Champions League 2021/22 - Another Magic night in Madrid from the Kings of Europe

Darragh has become far too excitable as a commentator

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Real blaguarded

Never offside


If this stands thats a bit of a Karius moment

Has to be given.

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Has to be a goal

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Has to. Can’t be offside

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Can’t be offside anyway. Unless there’s something else

I clearly don’t understand the offside rule

Ah here.

If not, then has to be penalty, konate cleaned out some Kroos during it

Neither do I. How is he offside following the second pass with Robertson on the line?


Liverpool need the bell here.

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How is that offside :joy::joy::joy:

Wasn’t Robertson the last man back?

Roberson is the last man so he doesn’t count, typically it is the keeper. Second last man is the fella who sets the line.

Ball clearly played to benzema by a Liverpool player.

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The VAR lad is stuck outside in the crowd


They drew 2 lines but Robertson was crouched down behind the 2nd last Liverpool player

The powers that be are worried what the Liverpool fans will do if they lose. Clear as day