Champions League 2021/22 - Another Magic night in Madrid from the Kings of Europe

The fix is in.

I thought it was always the keeper and not the last man. I.e. a defender goalside of the keeper would play everyone onside

The last man back doesn’t count??

UEFALONA back at it

You need 2 players back for it to be onside. The keeper is usually behind so its one outfield player but not in this case

The patched up reds got sloppy

Could you explain that a little better?

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But the ball came back off Fabinho so had to be onside

That’s a new one to me

Clearly offside.

A deflection doesn’t count apparently

Looked a clear case of a tackle knocking the ball to Benzema. Presume they were classing it as a deflection? But nobody had control there and the Liverpool player clearly tried to play the ball, even if it was a tackle.

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Liverpool’s only chance here is penalties

Real Madrid were completely let down there. It was 100% a goal.

Awful decision.


I fucked it up a small bit there but have edited. Basically a normal offside is when an attacker is ahead of all the defenders but in that case the keeper was ahead of Benzema so the one outfield player back means its offside. Its kind of against what the rule was introduced for but rarely an issue.

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Richie Sadlier will clear it up I’m sure.

That is a goal all day lads ffs.

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A serious bowl

1-0 late on like Alan Kennedy.

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He’s offside. It’s very, very clear for anybody who knows the rules of the game.