Champions League 2021/22 - Another Magic night in Madrid from the Kings of Europe

Better than the team that beat them, PSG, Chelsea and Man City?

Van Dyke is brutal for the goal. Takes no responsibility. The most overrated player in world football.


Was thinking the same. Really poor defending.

Yes and beeter than the league champions

Hon Gilesy. The anti-Ronny Whelanā€¦

Well that was very disappointing. We went for them for the first 20 minutes, not unlike 2018, and it didnā€™t work.

After that the mental and physical tiredness crept in.

In hindsight maybe Klopp should have kept Diaz in reserve and started with Firmino to tire them out. As it was I would probably have thrown Origi on because we needed something different, the amount of times our players had the ball picked off their toe was very frustrating. Naby lad as usual was dreadful. The jokeā€™s over.

Itā€™s easily the least detestable Real Madrid team to win a European Cup in my lifetime. They donā€™t have any major cunts. Good luck to them, they deserved to win, they frustrated the fuck out of us and always looked like scoring again on the counter. Courtois was a monster.

You can take losing a match but the way Liverpool supporters were treated like animals by the French police leaves a very bad taste, as does the rush by trolling Tory-loving morons who are only interested in pathetic Trump style culture war bunfights to vilify peaceful supporters in order to satisfy a serious psychological want in their make up.

The right wing culture war morons touch everything and everything they touch turns to shit.

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We can hold our heads high. Those lads have given us a wonderful season. We go again in August. Hopefully with a new central midfielder. The real victory this season is in keeping Klopp until 2024.


They should let some of the Liverpool fans into the stadium now.

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We go again
Tell us never


Liverpool fans selling fake tickets to other Liverpool fans
What could possibly go wrong :man_shrugging:


Mate we have to desist from this type of posting lest we be called out as right wing culture warriors


Iā€™m not right wing but I always make sure to remain silent for the oppositions anthem regardless of any differences I might hold. Its a question of sportsmanship and respect

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I generally try to do the same, unless the anthem is catchy enough to hum.

Luckily none of your post covers Liverpool supporters booing God Save The Queen.

Glad you support us in doing that.

Not to worry pal. Youā€™ll get to see what real Football is all about tomorrow

Well obviously, the Ulster final is on.

I can see youā€™re hurting so Iā€™ll leave it at that

Generally youā€™ll be a bit hurt when your team loses a major match.

Itā€™s part of the special experience of following a team, of having that connection.

Itā€™s not something that anybody from Galway would know anything about, yis are all too dead inside.


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