Champions League 2021/22 - Another Magic night in Madrid from the Kings of Europe

Lads who claimed Covid was all a government conspiracy now telling everybody to believe a government minister out to cover his own arse.

You couldnā€™t make it up, as they say.

Migs is an awful dolt, his preview of the game was 100% incorrect.

how would he know whether fans had fake tickets


Look it was everyone elseā€™s fault.

Migs is on the ground and has sources.

Youā€™re giving the impression you know exactly what happened.

So tell us, what did happen?

Careful FOD, this might be a trap.


Iā€™d say it was a little of A and B. 80k Liverpool fans, looks like fake tickets being sold. The French get wind if it and lock the scousers down for 2-3 hours. Fans get agitated , cops Wade in.

The French guy above is telling us 2,500 fake tickets got through the first check :smiley:. Did they come up as fake on the system after they passed through?

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These print at home tickets are a bloody disaster for big events with huge demand*. All sports orgā€™s need to go back normal ticket with the watermark etc for their major finals.

Of course print at home tickets better for the profit margins for everyone except the fans.

*I think the CL final were eTickets? At least Didi said it on RTE anyway.

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Iā€™m too wily for that.


Thereā€™s a few of them accounted for.


Some fake tickets will always be in circulation for every big game. It happens for GAA games. I saw people being turned away for having forgeries at the 2017 Dublin-Mayo final. Not just matches either, I saw it at U2 in Slane in 2001.

Where is the evidence that were were ā€œindustrial levelsā€ of fake tickets in circulation for this?

The first big event I attended which was mainly print at home tickets was Slane 2009. Ticket checks at that were non-existent and the walkway through the forest to the venue, which had big metal barriers at either side, became dangerously overcrowded. The danger of relying on print at home e-tickets at major events was apparent even then.

Iā€™d say there were likely similar issues at play with the staffing of crowd control at the Stade De France to what there were at Dublin Airport. Understaffing, poor pay and poor motivation on behalf of those working, but the extra layer of cuntish Paris police itching to throw their weight around.

At least those poor bastards found out last week and didnā€™t travel. What a sickner.

The french police obviously sold thousands of fake tickets to Liverpool fans, forced them to storm the turnstiles just so they could tear gas them. The picture is becoming clearer


Things are so bad now lads are posting up stuff from fake accounts

Presumably most of the people at Dublin Airport had fake tickets too. Or maybe thereā€™s a simpler explanation and the staff are just useless cunts? :grinning:

Stormed the turnstile? The tickets were checked and fans sent throughā€¦ The French chap said 2500 fake tickets passed the first check. I presume they scanned for them to have this info.

Good thread here from a journalistā€¦ Thereā€™s a clip half way down where the stewards and police are escorting people out, who presumably snuck in, and you can hear a scouser saying- theyā€™re French, not English, theyā€™re French, not Englishā€¦before you attack usā€¦

Seems like it was a huge cluster fuck