Champions League Final Thread

You’re right, as Roy Keane said -

“Lads, it’s spurs…”

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I’m surprised Tottenham agreed to be used in such a way after De Valera’s message of condolence for Hitler

You don’t support the bin dippers

Was Ben briscoe a TD at that stage ?

Exactly. Plenty of tougher teams we could have gotten

All those teams have been knocked out mate, Spurs are what’s left and they’re the ones who’ll beat ‘ye’ on June 1.

Not saying they won’t, it’s just not the worst position to be in. CL final you’re going to come up against a top class team. Don’t know how Liverpool fans can be disappointed with Tottenham

It’s because the other option was Ajax

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Have you a ticket?

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Those are like gold dust

He was still on his 347th recount vs Eric Byrne I’d say!

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Surely for being at all the away games you get one

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy what are the TV statistics revealing about who is Ireland’s favourite team. I suppose June 1 will tell a lot

Will be interesting considering it’s Liverpool vs United, should get loads


Will the TAM ratings include the hundreds in the Ratoath Inn ?

Been home & away all year, I’m still not guaranteed one.:crossed_fingers:t2:

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Give us another unusual scenario there, this is enthralling

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There hasn’t been a European Cup final between two league champions since 1998

That was before the full Champions League era which only began in 1999/2000

So all competitions since then have been worthless

We know this because of what another poster here has told us

We also know from the same poster that European Cups before the full Champions League era were worthless as they were supposedly easier to win

So all European Cup/Champions League competitions since 1956 are worthless

There would seem to be a small window there from 1992-98 when it was a worthwhile competition to win. Outside of that, worthless.