Champions League Final Thread

Man Utd 08 and Juve 97 for me


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7/10 after opening the link.

As that extremely shrewd observer George Hamilton said this morning, you can’t help thinking Tottenham’s name is on the cup.

I think they’ll win 1-0 (Kane 72).

u over there Sid?

Liverpool to win on pens. Gini to be the hero


in the interest of transparency I’ll put this up.

I got 10/10 but it took me two goes. There’s some right anoraks on here

I got the Hargreaves and Ljundberg ones wrong, so much for my EPL knowledge.

On the tarmac at CDG now mate


It appears to have gone over the heads of many English football journalists and pundits that Kane’s replacement scored a hat-trick in the semi-final second leg. Lots of comments about Kane having to start etc etc even though he’s been injured for 6 weeks.


Hopefully Kane starts.


The build up to this has been shockingly insipid on here. You wouldn’t even know there is a game on. No pre-match sledging whatsoever. The Spurs fans have gone all giddy high fiving at each other about getting to a final on a shoestring. The Liverpool fans are so terrified of losing another final they haven’t even taken up their usual false bravado. They’ve completely filled their togs.

Embarrassing e-support from both sets of supporters here.

Cue the usual banal Man City retorts now from the regulars.


It’s only a game of ball mate, nobody gives a fuck about the build up, just waiting for scores to be settled in the aftermath, expect plenty of carefully selected posts quoted on Sunday

A Manchester City fan pontificating about how supporters of the participating clubs should conduct themselves in the build up to a European Cup final. I’ve heard it all.


They should take it off the main board. Commander @balbec will have to whip them into line.

ah jaysus that has you rattled still you poor auld sop.

Liverpool fans knew they’d run all over that callow Ajax side so Spurs’ late, late winner has unsettled them quite a bit. They should still beat little old Spurs, but it’d be an unmitigated disaster if they conspire to lose tomorrow night. That nagging fear and terrifying prospect of losing after the Barca heroics is naturally going to impact on posters’ INTERNETTING.


It would set Liverpool back years possibly another generation if they fucked it up against little old Spurs tomorrow night.