Champions League Final Thread

Yep definitely since the back door came in teams losing games and winning the all ireland devalues it but limerick Have at least added a league to show it isn’t a fluke.

By God.

You’d literally sell your soul to make a meaningless point on the Internet

so winning the league the following year adds value to the trophy from the previous year now too?

so unless you’ve won the league the previous year, the current year or the year after, the champions league is meaningless.


They shared the European Cup in 2016

Ridiculous talk. They played the way they had to play to come up to the level of two of the best teams ever in their back yard. They deserve all the praise in the world for those few years

I said it devalues it. Big difference between devalues and meaningless.

doesn’t mean I have to enjoy watching it.

That’s like praising Ulster teams for bringing in puke football.

If everybody played the same way it would be boring. I’d much rather watch tactical games with athli than piss poor pass and rush football we’ve seen over the past two nights with loads of mistakes.

Disagree . They were a fine side with a great work ethic and organization . The competed against bigger and better resourced clubs . They played decent ball . Costa was a fabulous player who I wish was Irish

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you said it was meaningless unless you won the league the year before or during winning a champions league. You added in the year after later.

You’ve different parameters for the teams you support, obviously. They mean more when you’re involved.

You cad


I didn’t say you had to enjoy it. I’d much rather a team do what Atletico did than aim for third in the league every year 20 or 30 points behind Barca and Real playing nice football personally

you do you bro. They were disgusting.



No I never ever said that. I said Liverpool’s champions league is almost valueless as they never ever backed it up before or after and it was won on the lottery of penalties. Please don’t make things up.

Not as disgusting as owning slaves and murdering gay people

I’ve never had a slave or murdered anyone.

He can’t understand the difference between value and meaningless the guys a ham.

You support a club that is able to play the pretty football you love so much because they are backed by slave owners and murderers, and they still aren’t close to winning a European Cup

You can’t remember what you said 20 minutes ago. I get the feeling you’ve been on the grog

