Champions League Group Stage-

London Tottenham getting trounced

In fairness Lloris must have been at the sherry again. He’s been useless.

Which one

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Heehaw Kane.

Man City are easily the best team the PL has ever seen… The standard is like nothing before… Utd are at the same level they were at with Fergus at the helm, it’s just that city are so much better.

Plucky resistance here from Zagreb

That Winks lad looks like he was collected off a common around the Elephant & Castle and asked did he want to play a game of ball.


Never a penalty

Man City are regularly embarrassed in Europe, a poor enough side all things told.

Great peno there from Kane

Liverpool are the European champions and have been to two finals in a row…youd dismiss them as a cup team and lucky… Yet you’ll use a cup competition to put city down… You want it all your own way kid.

When another English team can win the league and the champions league in the same season they can be compared to sir Alex’s man united teams.

Liverpool are very flukey.

The EPL is poor and this is an extremely poor era for football.


In 10 years you’ll be looking back at this as a golden era… Football is dying in Europe , kids have too much…

I won’t. I’ll aways remember the 10 years before that and the 10 years before that etc.

Every team needs a bit of luck.

So when one team can dominate and win the three main trophies then English football will be competitive again :thinking:

Munich playing through spurs very easy

Munich a step above