Champions League Matchday 2

Barca 1-0 down at home to Leverkusen.

What a strike to put Olympiakos one up.

Wait, it was a gammy one on second viewing, deflection and all.

And Walcott equalises almost immediately.

Roma three down.


Oh dear, what a calamity for Arsenal, corner dropped into his own net by the keeper whose name escapes me not but isn’t Cech.

Ospina, thats the fella.

This is a vintage Arsenal display.

Arsenal are some fucking laugh.

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Chelsea 2-1 down. Porto all over them at the moment.

Looking like 1 win and 5 losses for the British representation so far.

Won’t someone think of the coefficient.

Arsenal are going out of the Champions League here. What a fucking joke.

Be handy for you to get Thursday night tickets for after ‘the’ Christmas

Cracking second half there between Porto and Chelsea.

Szczesny. :eek:


Any good reason why I shouldn’t have loaded onto Monchengladbach @ 7/2?

Martial first goal scorer tonight :clap:

Fuck sake :anguished:


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City denied by a great save after good work by Sterling.

Sterling wouldn’t finish a dinner for you.

His shooting technically is way off the standard of a professional footballer, not to mind a 70 million pound one.

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This Goals Show is the fucking business. City down to 10 men after a ridiculous sending off, but Joe Hart goes on to psyche the taker out, and saves.