Champions League Matchday 5 thread

Iā€™d agree with most of that pagey. Weā€™re all on record as saying we didnā€™t agree with the team that Strachan picked but delighted with him that he had the guts to make the hard calls at half time. He easily could have left it another 15/20 to see would his starting XI eventually get a foothold but he was big enough to admit he got it wrong and then went out and did something positive about it. In some ways you can understand his desire to have Lenny and Sno sitting in midfield as Rooney and Saha both like to come deep into that area and you donā€™t want big Bobo haring out after them leaving space in the centre of the defence. But what it did do was have the effect that we were far too deep in the first half and it made it difficult for us to get out of our half and get a rhythm. In that respect we really missed Millerā€™s pace as an outlet where we could just pop a ball down the channel for him to run on to. We also missed Caldwellā€™s ability to bring the ball out from the back to set attacks in motion. Indeed Bobo and Mickā€™s passing from the back was very hairy in the first half.

That said for all their possession in the first half they didnā€™t manage to carve us open. Their best chance fell to Ronaldo after Bobo had got his feet in a muddle and they had a few other sniffs without ever making Artur have to work for it. I agree that Naka looked uncomfortable on the left too; he was back to himself in the second half over on the right cutting inside and knocking the ball around sharply.

The changes at half time were excellent. I thought Jarosik had an immediate impact and he was full of drive and purpose - all the things I had previously accused him of lacking - and he must maintain that standard now. As pagey said Maloney gave Naylor a better overlapping option and had a few nice moments on the ball. The shape was much better with Gravesen and Jiri taking turns in breaking forward and Lenny patrolling in front of the back four. A mention to Jan also who really put himself about and worked himself to a standstill up front on his own.

Jack, that is indeed me on AFR. I love winding those lads up. Most of them hate Celtic for some reason and are very bitter about any success they have so an odd ā€˜get it right fooking up youā€™ is often called for.

Bhoy, you might consider a different username if you didnā€™t enjoy last night. It was one of my best ever supporting moments. The scenes at the end will live long in the memory for all those fortunate enough to be there (fooks like rocko) as well as us bhoys and ghirls looking on from all around the world. I thought the game had a bit of everything;

  • both managers tried to surprise the other with their tactics - Strachan with 2 holding midfield players and Ferguson playing Rooney on the left with Giggs playing off Saha;
  • it was cagey early doors as United grabbed the early initiative;
  • the stakes were so high that there was mistakes from both sides but it only added to the tension;
  • superb tactical and personnal switches by Celtic at half time;
  • one of the best free kicks youā€™ll ever see;
  • an unbelievable ending to the game where Boruc saved a fooking penalty in the last minute to send us through and you want more drama - I despair at times!
  • an outpouring of emotion rarely seen at any sporting event at the end as a people and a cause celebrated a momentous victory.

My ratings:
Boruc 9 - Did everything he to had to do. Heā€™s a Celtic legend now. I loved him trying to get into the stand too and the coppers hauling him back. Fantastic.
Telfer 9 - Immense all through even in the first half when those around him were floundering. Won a great tackle out on their left to win the ball back before the move that led to the free kick.
Bobo 7 - First half (5), second half (9). I donā€™t blame him at all for being rusty and he was never a good ball playing centre half but in the second half he did what he does best. Nothing got by him and he won everything in the air.
Mick 8 - Reserve left back a few years ago, now maturing into a fine centre back. A whole host of relieving headers, clearances and interventions.
Naylor 9 - What a revelation. From his first minute dispossession of Ronaldo to his calm authority at the death he never put a foot wrong. He was practically crying in an interview I saw this morning. Heā€™s so humbled and honoured to be playing for us. I love that.
Gravesen 7 - Suffered in the first half with the shape of the team but kept taking the fight to them. Got through a lot of good work all around the pitch. Will only get better the more he plays for us.
Sno 6 - Was by no means a disaster but it was the right decision to take him off, moreso for the shape of the team than any flaw in his game. The experience heā€™s gaining is priceless.
Lennon 8 - Born to play for Celtic. The midfield was overran somewhat in the first half but it wasnā€™t in the second. Some excellent tackles and covering throughout especially on Neville who was bombing up the wing.
Naka 8 - What a goal. The whip and action on the ball was phenomenal. I donā€™t blame the keeper, he knew where it was going but nobody was going to save that. Much better general play in the second half after being out of position in the first.
Magic 6 - Tried hard and put in 2 good crosses from the right, the second where Tommy flashed a header across goal just before half time but again it was correct to take him off as we needed to establish ourselves in midfield.
Vennegoor of Hesselink 8 - A heroic shift up front. Never let up all night and was fighting for every ball, every scrap of possession until the bitter end. Again, heā€™s still being integrated into the team and can only keep improving.
Jarosik 8 - Iā€™ve said it already; drive, purpose and excellent link up play. Can be well satisfied with himself.
Maloney 7 - Busy and energetic. Added an attacking dimension down the left and put a halt to Nevilleā€™s constant overlapping down their right. Still short of last yearā€™s standard. Sign the fooking contract son.

Congratulations to all of the players and to Gordon Strachan and his backroom team too.

A fantastic night. Hail to the Celts.

drama yes, but that was for ten minutes. i donā€™t know, i know weā€™ll disagree on this, football is the worldā€™s most popular game so am rather up against the odds. that day of watching football in the CaogaHaon just was too much for me. i hope, and i actually do, that iā€™ll find some way to enjoy watching once again. but for now, i have only a passing interest.

What a fucking night that was. Absolutely unforgettable. Iā€™ve been walking around Glasgow for the past couple of hours with a brute of a hangover but it doesnā€™t bother me in the slightest. Walking around in the rain Iā€™ve seen a few guys like me, mostly Irish guys waiting for a flight or a train or a ferry or a bus. They look badly hungover, some of them have a hint of a Celtic scarf under their jackets, one or two have a plastic bag from the Celtic shop, some have no obvious Celtic paraphenalia on at all. But you can tell who they are because theyā€™re grinning from ear to ear. They look destroyed, theyā€™re wet, theyā€™re tired, theyā€™re hungover, but theyā€™re delighted. And thatā€™s how I am at the moment. Iā€™m more emotional than my words on a webpage can ever properly convey.

Yesterday was just sensaional. Spent the most part of the day kicking about town waiting for Colin, a mate of mine living in Germany, and his da to get to Glasgow. I was slowly building excitement through the day with reading papers and internet sites but I didnā€™t think Iā€™d have trouble getting motivated for this game and I neednā€™t have worried. Colin got to Glasgow at 4 and we had a coulpe of pints in Osmosis before heading down to the Gallowgate to start the buildup in earnest.

Into Bairdā€™s where we had an enjoyable three or four Guinness and the obligatory vodka and irn bru. They were showing the Old Firm whitewash DVD on the screen and I started geting nostalgic for Oā€™Neillā€™s team and his big game players like Sutton, Thompson and of course Henke. That said I was thinking to myself how thrilled I am with Strachan. I donā€™t think weā€™ve been playing well over the last month or so and I wasnā€™t expecting to win last night but I do love the thought and rationale behind our tactics since Gordon has stamped his mark on the team.

There was a couple of United fans in Bairdā€™s - decent lads who had no tickets but were up to sample the atmosphere anyway. Small bit of banter with them but for the most part I wasnā€™t even really talking to Colin. Just savouring the anticipation of a big game ahead and hoping for a positive outcome.

Began the half hour walk down to the ground at half six or so. Atmosphere was really starting to build at this stage with the crows streaming down and a guy behind us got a phone call with the team. Not too surprised as Iā€™d heard it from thepiedpiper earlier - what an exclusive that was. Still I canā€™t say I was that happy. Like Bandage and Pagey I wondered at the wisdom of playing a more narrow system though thepiedpiper eased my worries somewhat with his justificiation of 2 players breaking forward, with 2 holding. It made sense, especially with the roles Giggs and Rooney play for United, so I was coming round to it a bit more as the journey progressed.

Made our way to the ground where we met Colinā€™s da - a Scottish guy originally, living in Ireland for 35 years or so - and walked through a muddy field around to the Lisbon Lions stand - the air of abdandoment about the surrounding area of Celtic Park never ceases to amaze me. With the electronic turnstyle system we were queuing for a while to get in so missed the Saw Doctors. Up the steps to our separate steps for half seven though and just at my seat when Youā€™ll Never Walk Alone started on the PA system. Iā€™ve witnessed a few in my time and the rendition of the anthem last night was truly special. At the time I was thinking it was unlike any Iā€™d been part of before. Such determined pride in the singing and the whole stadium was involved. There were a couple of jeers from the United section at the start but by the time the chorus kicked in they were completely drowned out. Indeed, I saw one or two taking photos of the spectacle.

Then on the big screen you could see the players in the tunnel. The stadium errupted. A huge wall of noise of shouting and screaming and the champions league theme music kicked in. Everybody in the stadium roared their heads off. Slapping, thumping, clapping, stamping, hands, feet, chests, seats, whatever made the most noise. I was jumping up and down thumping my chest and roaring my head off. Loving it. This was the big time.

There was an excellent card/streamer type display at the far end in the Jock Stein stand and it looked excellent. Iā€™ve seen some amateur enough efforts in the past but that looked awesome last night. The singing was great at this stage, the huddle was formed and I was hoarse already. Shouting as loud as I could but I was barely audible.

Kick off and we were poor. Our passing really let us down first half. Balde played like he hadnā€™t played in months, which he hadnā€™t but he sometimes plays like that anyway. We struggled to get Sno and Lennon on the ball and when we did the passes were backwards. Strachan was in the papers today (I bought 7 of 'em) talking about needing to pass the ball 2 or 3 yards forward instead of square and heā€™s right. It turns them and thatā€™s when you cause damage. Anyway we didnā€™t really get going and Magic and big Jan were seeing none of it up front but were still running their socks off anyway.

That said we were comfortable defensively. They got one chance for Ronaldo when Balde gave the ball away but they didnā€™t create anything. The system we have defensively is excellent - not a home goal conceded in the Champions League this season. The communication between wingers and full backs and between the centre halves and the midfielders is superb. Rooney, Ronaldo, Giggs, Scholes were all playing roles where itā€™s supposed to be difficult to mark. They couldnā€™t get on the ball in any advanced areas though. We were shutting them down all over the park with clever running and great communication.

Half time and I was apprehensive. We hadnā€™t played well. I texted bandage and thepiedpiper and suggested we needed to introduce a winger or Kenny Miller soon in the second half. They were inclined to agree. The toilets downstairs were like an independent republic of rebellion with banned songs and banned cigarettes being enjoyed by such a volume of people the stewards or cops couldnā€™t intervene.

Back upstairs for the second half and Youā€™ll Never Walk Alone again. I was sitting in the wrong seat this time, no idea how it happened but I couldnā€™t figure out where my seat was but not to worry. Teams re-emerged and the two changes were announced. As an aside I recall Tranmere Rovers being 3 down at half time to Southampton in the cup (perhaps managed by Strachan?). They made 3 changes at the break I think and switched from 4-4-2 to 3-4-3 or something and went on to win 4-3. Aldridge was asked afterwards if making 3 changes at the break was a risk. He said at the time he was tempted to change things after 40 minutes but he felt that would give Southampton too much time to react. Southamptonā€™s half time talk would have expected a change presumably but they wouldnā€™t have known who or what system. They could only give instructions based on what the first half was like and the subs had an immediate impact. It was the same scenario last night. Ferguson would have expected changes at some stage but not immediately. His team talk would have been geared towards more of the same, but then he finds out theyā€™re up against something different. It was clever management and brave management and correct management from Gordon.

Second half kicks off and thereā€™s an immediate positive impact. United adjusted accordingly after a while and the game settled down again but at that stage there was a confidence and fluidity about the passing that was missing in the first half. We were better on the ball and just as good without it.

My expectations grew throughout the half but Iā€™d no immediate sense of an imminent goal. There was an Irish guy to my right who was convinced theyā€™d score every time they got the ball and he could hardly watch it. Older Scottish guy to my left was more confident. I have a theory that in every game of football both sides get at least one chance to alter the result (not just the scoreline, but the outcome) and I didnā€™t think we had that yet so I was waiting for a chance. Then a stray pass and Telfer pounced. First half he might have blasted the ball into the stand but this time he retains possession for us. We have them turned again which is crucial to winning football matches. Softish foul on Jarosik at first glance though watching hazy replays of it in a hazy bar last night my hazy eyesight suggested there was a stray hand involved. Anyway it mattered not, this was our chance.

At the time I didnā€™t realise how far out the ball was. I wanted Naka to take it obviously but for a split second I had sacreligious thoughts that it might be clever to give wee Shaun a crack as Van der Saar would surely know where Naka wanted to put it. I thought better of it though but I guess it wasnā€™t my decision. Anyway the whole stadium stood up for the free kick and Naka stepped up and hit it very fucking sweetly altogether.

The selfishness of the United wall in jumping (a notable change from Old Trafford) meant I couldnā€™t be sure the ball had gone in because they were in my line of vision. But when I saw Naka wheeling away with the green and white hoops grasped tightly in his hand and the stadium beginning to bounce I knew weā€™d scored. Absolutely intensely emotional moment. I turned and hugged everyone around me first individually then as a group. Irishmen, Scotsmen and a Scottish lady in there. I was delirious. I cannot possibly describe how much it meant to me. I was genuinely ecstatic and overcome, staring at the pitch in disbelief. What a fucking strike. Some of these descriptions may sound like cliches or that theyā€™ve been bundled together from a thesauras but Iā€™ve never experienced anything like that before. Awesome.

Then I had to endure a horrible last ten minutes. My theory told me theyā€™d have a chance to alter the result and they certainly did. Before then I felt we were comfortable but I was anything but. The guy on my right was positively annoying at that stage but Iā€™ll forgive him. It was nervy enough without him screaming at us to defend deeper. I think if youā€™d have offered him the draw at that stage heā€™d have taken it. Older lad to my left produced a big handsome watch that heā€™d timed for the start of the second half. We studied that thing like two guys from the stone age staring at a television screen. Willing the second hand to move on.

Then they get a free kick - again it looked soft enough. We have our wall setup and Iā€™m confident enough. Struck reasonably and from my angle Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s been deflected out for a corner or not. So I look at the referee. Iā€™m in despair. The Celtic players are crowded around him so I know heā€™s given the corner. Another chance for them. Then the yellow card for Maloney and more protesting and slowly, this growing doubt dawns on me. Unbelievable. I realise it before the people around me do and Iā€™m heartbroken and it feels like telling them someone has died when I have to break the news. Itā€™s a penalty. Theyā€™re shocked. Weā€™re all shocked. The United fans donā€™t celebrate because they all realise individually. Lyon. Juventus. Man United. History repeating itself. Again.

Saha has the ball on the spot and the referee walks round telling everyone to keep out of the box. Lennon trots over to the ball and boot it into the main stand. Booked. I hate soft yellow cards but in retrospect that was a cracker. At the time I wasnā€™t thrilled but I didnā€™t disagree with it either. I was in fully empathy with him. Referee back to the edge of the box instructing everyone again. I focus my attention on Boruc. Saha is standing there waiting for the whistle trying to block out the commotion. Boruc is the polar opposite. Heā€™s concentrating intensely, bouncing up and down and he looks like heā€™s looking forward to it. My confidence grows but Iā€™m not truly hopeful. I just want them to get it over and done with. Itā€™s like witnessing an execution and weā€™re all relatives of the dying man and Iā€™ve just had to explain to his da and his brother that heā€™s about to get shot. Saha approaches the ball and puts it same side as Old Trafford.

I observed the following last night: When a goal is scored at a game the whole place celebrates and itā€™s wonderful but the game stops. So everyone turns around and hugs everyone around them and the stadium is manic mayhem when itā€™s a big game or an important goal like last night. You celebrate collectively but youā€™re witnessing indivual celebrations and hearing the mass of people roar. When a penalty is saved and the ball stays in play you canā€™t turn away from the action. So you make the same noise as a goal being scored and jump up and down just the same but you all stay facing the pitch. So you see 57,000 people all celebrating collectively and itā€™s a fucking wonderful sight. The stadium was positively bouncing. The most thrilling moment of my life.

The game continues and Iā€™m a touch more confident. My theory has been fulfilled so theyā€™ve had their chances. Saha had that glorious chance before the penalty but the whole moment was so bizarre that it passed everyone by, including himself. Now theyā€™ve Rio up front and theyā€™re hitting long balls up to him and Iā€™m delighted with that but I canā€™t enjoy anything yet. I have this nagging notion that itā€™s too good to be true. Heā€™s given one penalty, he can give another. The pessimist beside me is convinced the referee was bribed. ā€œHeā€™ll give them a goal definitely. We should be appealing this.ā€ Heā€™s already thinking about how to complain about the draw. Iā€™m just thinking about the times when being a Celtic fan rips the heart out of you. The fleeting flirtations with greatness that occur from time to time. Instances of brilliance that hint at how great life at the top is, but theyā€™re always taken away immediately. The goals in Seville, the games in Turin, Lyon, Manchester, Milan, home to Valencia. We get these little reminders of how good football can be to tempt us into going again next time. Thatā€™s the equation of Celtic. Go and enjoy it for a few moments but make sure Celtic lose so theyā€™ll have to come back. Itā€™s horrible.

But they keep playing long balls up to our centre halves and Iā€™m loving it and our defenders are loving it. Bobo and McManus take turns winning clean headers and Lennon hooks it forward for Miller to chase. The full backs are doing well in the air and they donā€™t change their style at all. We could head the ball away all night but Iā€™d rather we didnā€™t have to. The old guy to my left starts counting out the minutes and seconds for everyone around. ā€œOne to go plus extra.ā€ ā€œ30 seconds.ā€ ā€œThatā€™s it now, just the added.ā€ 3 minutes added and Iā€™m happy with that. ā€œ20 seconds over.ā€ ā€œHalf a minute.ā€ ā€œThatā€™s a full minute gone, 2 to go.ā€ He keeps at it and heā€™s relishing every announcement. Now Iā€™m starting to enjoy it again. I donā€™t feel threatened anymore and I join in more of the songs but break away to cheer every head we get to the ball.

The time creeps on and I know we have it won. Someone wins a header and Lennon I think hooks it forward to big Jan. And itā€™s over. The stadium canā€™t resist an ā€œEasy, easyā€ chant and much as I hate it to me itā€™s the sweetest song ever sung for a few seconds. And then begins the Youā€™ll Never Walk Alone which is truly breathtaking. I didnā€™t see a single person leave their seat as the song is belted out and we all join in. The old guy beside me has no scarf so he holds the end of mine and we sing it with an immense feeling of pride and absolute elation. It surpasses the anthem from the start of the game and unifies the stadium into one single emotion. Itā€™s times like that when I realise how fucking lucky I am to have this relationship with Celtic. Times like that are unforgettable.

To paraphrase a BBC commentator from a few years ago: ā€œScarves, Banners, Jerseys, Green and White hoops raised in triumph. It may not have been a vintage match but to these Celtic supporters it will taste every bit as sweet as any they have ever witnessed. So let us pause for a while and listen to the Celtic fans as they sing their beloved anthemā€¦ā€

As Bandge says: ā€œYouā€™ll never, ever, walk alone.ā€

Christ, what a cracking read.

Lump in the throat stuff.

YNWA at the end was indeed unlike anything I have ever witnessed before. I watched it earlier on YouTube and shed a little tear. I havenā€™t got the hang of posting YouTube videos but rock itā€™s on the huddleboard if you donā€™t mind posting it. Iā€™d love to have it up here.

Mad Artur going into the crowd at the end. I love this crazy fook.

This is an absolute belter of a video. Pre-game when the teams come out and the CL music kicks in. About 10/15 rows in front of where I was sitting and bang on the same angle.

Youā€™ll Never Walk Alone

This is superb. Johnny Cash singing YNWA over a montage of last nightā€™s images.