Champions League - Round of 4

Ajax fully deserved their win.

Think the Spuds accidentally stumbled onto how you stop Ajax there after Vertongen went off. Ajax are savage narrow, crowd the middle when they have the ball and switch sides quickly to the full backs in space when you have it. Spurs problem is their two full backs were absolutely awful

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Spurs got a footballing lesson in the first half so basically turned the game into a fight and tried to physically overpower their youthful opponents. Ajax stood up well to that in fairness and deserved to win on the night. Wouldn’t rule Spurs out though with Son to return.

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And remember if Ajax score first nothing changes


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It was boys against men there.

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Incredible management by Pochetino with limited resources.

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Duncan Castles must have a few active sock puppet accounts, eh Duncan

200m vs 10m

Incredible mgt from the Ajax manager too.

211 people watching RTE’s Facebook live analysis

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They were always good at pushing


You’d want your head examined going to a Liverpool away game in Europe

Weather is great here in Barcelona. Locals are even jumping into fountains to cool down.


The perpetrator looks to be in his 50s. What weird behaviour for a man of that vintage.

Would love to see him do that at the Trevi fountain or some fountain in Moscow.

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Back in 2005 I was in Barcelona at a music festival when the champions league final was on in Turkey.

I watched the game in a boozer with some friends. Some other pals watched it in a different boozer - a small, local tavern. There were four or five Irish lads and one local who had an old Liverpool Candy jersey on. They said he didn’t say a word during the entire match. After the last penalty, he ran outside the bar, jumped into a fountain, and came back in and finished his pint.

The Catalans love fountains


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