Champions League - Round of 4


Unbelievable they can match moneybags spurs

Will Ajax probably win it out?

Not touched, what a twat!

The game will be abandoned

He’ll be on hand to cover up Messi’s lacklustre performances next year when he doesn’t score a hat trick every other game.

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Get Llorente on now.

Drastic times call for drastic measures

Spurs need to do a Klopp on it and get 3

Any idea how much each team gets from their domestic TV deals?

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Trippier wouldn’t make coroner back on the Kinvara junior B team

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Ajax Amsterdam 10m
London hotspurs 200m



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Spurs are a very imbalanced side. Wanyama and Sissoko in the middle are good straight line runners but don’t have intelligence, movement or understand the nuances of midfield play. Running around like headless chickens all night. Trippier is just a coward.

If Liverpool had a shred of decency they’d let Ajax win it here

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Yet Spuds fans are on here making excuses about a lack of squad depth.


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Fuck Ajax.

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Big time.the murderers spent more on their keeper than Ajax have ever spent

Liverpool never feared Ajax.

Mane v Veltman should be an interesting match up in the final

Agent Wanyama is determined to take out a few of these Ajax boys