Charlie (containing yet another tfk exclusive)

Probably another couch interview show with the wonky eyed cow

I just realised, they’re doing another documentary on McGregor.

[QUOTE=“artfoley, post: 1076427, member: 179”]

I can honestly say I haven’t seen anything presented by her since she presented a documentary in 2010 on John Hume. That was the first and only thing I’ll ever see by her.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 1074097, member: 24”]

  • If you didn’t know your history you would be lost.[/QUOTE]

Albert Reynolds ‘Minister for Agriculture’ - the scriptwriters were lost on their history.

They never said he was Minister for Agriculture.

As Minister for Industry and Trade he put in place the Export Credit Insurance scheme for Goodman. Whereby if a foreign creditor didn’t pay the money owed to Goodman, the State would cover the debt. Only Goodman was covered by the scheme even though there were other major beef players in the market.

Over 80℅ of Goodman’s beef came from the EC and a large portion of that was not of Irish origin.

When O Malley became Minister for Industry and Commerce years later, the shit hit the fan.

Haha cross eyed cunt

Sean Doherty laid/lead an ambush…Haughey got caught, for all his control. The North/Western clique (MacSharry ,Albert, P.Flynn and Pat (theCope) took control of affairs.

Heady times for those of us who were within the “Inner circle”…

I thought all in all the Series was a roaring success. Gillen did Charlie justice. In hindsight an extra episode covering 1989-1992 would have been better as it did seem rushed last night. Too much water went under the bridge in that short period to condense like they did last night.

Credit to RTE, another pretty well made home series.

I enjoyed it. As has been pointed out it was rushed by being jammed into 3 episodes, there was a couple of series of material, but on the whole it was engaging tv and a reminder of how mad (yet parochial) politics is in Ireland at times.

agreed , very enjoyable, people need to remember its a drama and not a documentary.
my Mrs. has no knowledge of Irish politics but i just paused it here and there and explained what was going on, she thoroughly enjoyed it
its easy TV for a Sunday night when there is shag all else on

[QUOTE=“mickee321, post: 1076638, member: 367”]agreed , very enjoyable, people need to remember its a drama and not a documentary.
my Mrs. has no knowledge of Irish politics but i just paused it here and there and explained what was going on, she thoroughly enjoyed it
its easy TV for a Sunday night when there is shag all else on[/QUOTE]

you missed one of the great NFL games to watch Charlie???

I didn’t like the series. Way too liberal with the truth and throwing in scenes to suit wrapping things up.

They should have made a 5 part of it. Fair play to them for giving Jimmy Mages the Helmut Kohl role :slight_smile: Kohl was about 6’4" but they decided to make him the same height as Mitterrand and Haughey.

The scene at the end where the Arms Crisis file gets landed on his desk was just too made up. You would think Haughey had no wife or family.

Like was said, there’s not a lot on TV on Sunday nights but I was very disappointed in it.

i have no clue about NFL

I was the same as you but have been converted over the past 4 to 6 weeks.

That’s how simple it is.

Someone related to Dessie must have been writing the scripts for this.