Claire Byrne 🐝

WTF? Do you mean to tell me that there are still people eating honey that isn’t produced by bees from within their own environment??

You’d want to be off your fucking head to be eating honey from places like New Zealand ffs

I tried Manukau last year and it nearly kilt me. The miseducation around honey is alarming.

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You got stung there.


Buzz off.

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Fuck that racket. Pick them up and let Santa look after the delivery end of it.
Them elves are getting rode with the likes of you and Fastway hustling in on their game.

You rascal

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A bowl of porridge and a pint of water will set you right. Forget about the other marketing bullshit stuff.

Absolutely. Once you get to the top of the glenshane pass just ask anyone for directions- “county and provincial medals in his salad days, chin as yet unbeknownst to razor” etc should het you there.

I am however slightly concerned that honey from a poster without ‘trusted’ status mightn’t be acceptable?


8 euro a month to @rocko gets you trusted status

Yes. It nearly kilt me, did you not see where i said that?

In the Things that Continue to Right thread?


Bee FK or the Bee kick?

Why, what exactly is wrong with foreign honey?

As an aside, have you seen Honeyland?

There’s nothing wrong with foreign honey.

As a second aside, @Massive_Attack will get all excited when he sees this thread has been bumped.

Jesus fucking christ… Someone talk to this fella. I cant be dealing with the ignorance. He obviously has a death wish.


No fucking underwear agaun habanerocat. Its hardly too much to ask.

What are you on about?
Sure isn’t @glenshane’s honey foreign now?

Next you’ll be telling me tides exist… Christ, the Christian brothers did a number on you.

You dont ate honey from outside your own eco system… That goes for all bee related produce. I nearly died gambling on this.

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I’ll avoid honey from Mars in future, thanks!

Didn’t you know that there’s an online app you can get for that.

They found evidence of an ancient ocean on mars recently… Dont buy into any talk of tides.