Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Did you buy the original or the knock off from Amazon ?

A new fad…where do I sign up


Men and women. And there ain’t nothing in between.

Would you not just throw it on the bed and sleep on it altogether?

cc @Tassotti

Shakti mats. What the deep sleep cycles like after a session on these yokes?

Look after the gut and everything else falls into place.
Spoon full of Manukau honey a day, small glass of keifer, some Kombucha. And a good gut supplement…

It will transform your life.


I gave this a go a while back, tried to do ten minutes meditation on it nightly before bed. Needless to say it fell by by the wayside but now that it’s become a fad on TFK I’ll have to give it go again. Would you have a T-shirt or anything on you doing it or would prevent you getting the full kick off it?


A munster rugby shirt with an intricately designed taco sauce stain works best i think.


I have fallen asleep on it a few times. Not recommended to stay on it for hours at a time I think. You would forget your on it within minutes, you’d nearly be shifting position to get the spikes sensation

You woukdnt need a t shirt barring your an unmerciful wuss altogether. I wouldn’t be meditating on it either. Listening to a book or a podder usually


My targeted ads are pushing this fad after googling the product out of curiosity

Oh and don’t forget TFK sells your data to the advertisers too.


Surprised I’m not seeing more pop up ads for echo chambers


In. I hope youre getting a cut. And i hope it goes someway to thanking mrs j for her stellar performance with lemsip, soup, tea etc. We were meant to be going to dara o briain onsaturday…

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Im getting a shitload of did electrical…

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I bought the exact one I linked. The minute and a half of research I did before hand told me there is no difference in them at all

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So I’m having issues sleeping and we’ve changed our mattress 3 times in just over a year,spent north of €1200 on the most recent version, constantly tossing and turning through the night and can’t get comfy, it’s a disaster , anyways sees your post about the Shakti mat on Sunday night after a lash of pints and think this could be the answer to my prayers, low and behold I wake up Monday morning and see an email confirming I’ve bought one costing €70 and she’s on the way. Have I just thrown 70 notes down the drain?


Id imagine not being able to sleep has a lot more to do with lifestyle than your bed

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Mate, he’s looking for a quick fix not some bullshit.