Claire Byrne šŸ

Is the problem here that people tune in expecting Questions and Answers with John Bowman and they get the Claire Byrne show??

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Its the pure nonsense that she comes up with.

A report last week said humanity is doomed unless drastic action is taken, instead of reporting on that she has a fluff piece on vegan dogs

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If they do, they need to switch on Tv3

I think the incredulity is that itā€™s pitched as a proper heavyweight current affairs show and she takes herself awful seriously as some class of thought leader.


Thatā€™s my point though
Is there an assumption that she would take herself and her show very seriously because of the time slots, Bowman and Oā€™Rourke are big shoes to fill, maybe the silly slots are an attempt to lighten things up??

Iā€™ve never seen that show BTW

RTƉ sold it and her as a replacement to the current affairs serious slot. They paid her handsomely with our money too to maintain and improve it.

Iā€™ll let you form your own opinion as to whether it has worked out well


RTƉ - a public service broadcaster - has limited enough current affairs coverage without giving over prime slots to
Vegetarian dogs
Was Will Smith right to box the other lad
How to put on your coat
This is what an injection is like
Luke Oā€™Neill and Bernard O Shea in plastic balls
Iā€™m broadcasting from my garden shed


Are you assuming that everybody is ants the same from their late evening television as you do?
How are her numbers?

It isnā€™t about the numbers though. Itā€™s a public service slot.


I donā€™t understand?
Is it different from some other RTƉ output?

Yes it is. Their broadcasting remit requires them to broadcast a set amount of current affairs.

Theyā€™d be hitting that fairly comfortably surely, seems to be a lot of current affairs on RTƉ

Look, I donā€™t know, I havenā€™t ever seen it to be honest, so Iā€™ve never seen any of the pieces ye always talk about, the bubbles etc
One thing that seems harsh as a criticism is her continuing to work while she had Covid, some people might consider that honourable

I wouldnā€™t criticize her for that in fairness. My own view is that sheā€™s a competent enough broadcaster but she doesnā€™t have the gravitas for a lot of the heavyweight stuff and they are tailoring the output accordingly.

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Yet here you are commenting on it. Quelle surprise

Are you guys tuning in every night? Hard to believe that taking the comments into account

Tackies is a great man to argue about a show heā€™s never ever watched, same with the late late.

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When the RTE klaxon sounds heā€™s first in to defend them.


She has researchers & a director. Whatever opinions she has donā€™t get air time unless they miraculously match her script :smile:

Jaysus, Iā€™ve had a hell of a day on TFK,
Iā€™d say I havenā€™t made 10 posts and I have half the forum up in arms :grinning:
Itā€™s cool to break up the circlejerk sometimes but fellas get very bad. :man_shrugging:

It is a disgrace.

But lads gunning for Clare like sheā€™s the creator, researcher, producer & director make it all worthwhile