Claire Byrne šŸ

I suggest contacting someone from your local association. If say someone will be glad to help

Isnā€™t Down foreign now. Not sure if it meets the strict criteria laid down here.

Looks good. They have a few stockists in Limerick City.

Surely the market inside in town has someone selling honey? It aint cheap and the health store will have their cut added.

Lads pouring Boyne Valley into fancy jars.

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This is the worry. Iā€™ve got it there before. I wouldnā€™t know enough about it to know the difference. Even the dark clover honey, they could be adding colour to it.

Thatā€™s the gamble. But a man like @habanerocat will be armed with hours of extensive research done before purchasing.

Find out whoā€™s sellingā€¦ Google themā€¦ there on the spot if you have to. See how legit the business is and Google reviews of the business. Then if all appears well go talk to them, express your concerns and ask them to go through their process etc. etc. Theyā€™ll only be delighted to bore the bollix off you if theyā€™re legit.

@glenshane sent you a link earlierā€¦ You can see if they are registered with the bees-are-us crowd.

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Be like that scene in Glenroe when Donny used to buy the eggs in the supermarket and then bring them home and throw shit on them and sell them as organic free range

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:smiley:ā€¦ Habs will be dead in a week from the bastard non EU honey.

Err gents - this is a thread on the lovely Claire Byrne. What the fuck is going on here like?

The local beekeeping crowd will put you right.

I lament the violation of what Iā€™ll modestly claim was the bestest title on the forum. Alas i havenā€™t been here long enough to correct it.

Stop it @Thomas_Brady
Put it back the way it was.

Tell me this what is Agave Nectar?

Cactus syrup

Tone it down brady.
ā€œClaire Byrne in her underwearā€

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I got a jar of lovely honey from out wesht before, think it might have been either Croagh or Ardagh.

Tequila is made from the Agave plant as itā€™s core has loads of sugars that ferment into alcohol.

Iā€™ve never tasted or seen the nectar but presume it comes directly from the plant.

Pulque, a kind of beer, is also made from the Agave plant.