Claire Byrne 🐝

Leaking hard before the announcement?

The question is how RTÉ end up with current affairs presenters in what is mostly a light entertainment show. I know there is usually the misery slot but wasn’t it once upon a time more about debating social issues?

Mix and match is best…

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Fuck Claire, marry Sarah

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Claire has upped her game a lot in the style stakes in recent years.

She went from these disasters:


to this:

There’s a huge power dressing bang off that last style with the razor sharp straight edge, and it works.

I’d still rather fuck Sarah.

Ah here now. No call for that sort of talk

I find myself nodding in agreement with you.

Why not fuck em both?


Why not marry them both?

Gonna blow your mind here, but you get to have semi-regular sex when your married :exploding_head:


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Yup the oul wedding cake still the best contraceptive.

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Two swarms arrived yesterday and took up residence in empty hives. Unrale luck this early in the season


Read that wrong - Great news

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You must be South Derry’s best known and popular apiarist.
You’re having a good run with them. Not my cup of tea but different strokes for different folks……

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Great to hear from you, you were sorely missed.
I’d say leitrim is heaven for bees…all wild, overgrown etc?

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Where was I - I’m beginning to wonder was I inadvertently committed for a week or more….:face_with_monocle:
All well and yes, plenty of bees about, the pictured ceanothus is buzzing with them.

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The old Sitka Spruce is pollinated by the wind unfortunately.

The fir bushes and heather would be popular I’d say.

The fir is of limited use…they chew out some resin which they then use to make a sort of glue with antiseptic properties. They can get nectar from the heather, which makes a jelly like honey- one that’s difficult to work with but fairly lucrative

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You’re possibly (you’ll note the use of possibly) confusing the noble fir with the absolute abomination that is the furze bush (whins we call them). The only plus to the whin is their colouring - green and gold.

You’re on the ball apart from that. I might add it been a fabulous Spring for rushes. They’re greener, stronger, bolder and more plentiful than ever. If they were cannabis plants they’d fucking die……

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