Claire Byrne šŸ

Youā€™re correct on all counts as usual.
Fair play!

How can ye tell which plants the bees are going to?
Iā€™ve three types of honey here. Wildflower, Ivy and Heather. Small difference in shade but other than that I canā€™t really tell them apart. Bar the price of course. So Iā€™m interested in your viscous comment.

Wildflower can be absolutely anything. Ivy honey crystallises almost as soon as the bees store it so yours should be hard. Heather has a jelly like consistency.


Thatā€™s very interesting. These three seem true to form so. I hid the labels but most can tell which is which by your comments.

The Heather is twice the price so I was wondering if it was worth it. Taste wise I didnā€™t see much difference. Just tasted the Ivy there now for the first time. Some bang off that one alright.

Ivy is very strong alright, it has a folklorish reputation for being medicinal. Is that it on the top right?
The heather is expensive partly because itā€™s hard work for the bees because the flowers are very small and dry but mainly because the only way to extract it is to crush the honeycomb, a valuable commodity in itself

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Yea, Ivy top right and the heather, the most expensive is the small jar.

Is it from wicklow by any chance?

No, I got it off Facebook Marketplace.

I thought they were Russian or Polish but a quick search there tells me it may be a Latvian name.

I was just interested to know if maybe they were importing it and perhaps it wasnā€™t Irish bees at all.
Local honey is best and all thatā€¦

Edit, they are from Cashel.

Probably legit but who knows. Thereā€™s a local lad here who works full time and also manages to have honey for sale everywhere.
Best thing would be to contact your lical association

I think you advised me of that before.
I did contact them but in the heel of the hunt they never replied.

Latvian honey will kill you stone dead.

Try Aoife NicGiollaCoda in tipp. Shes a famous beekeeper from a beekeeping dynasty

The Latvian one is better looking.
Iā€™ll die happy as @Thomas_Brady says aboveā€¦

I was in college with a lad called Eoghan MacGiollaChoda from Burncourt in Co. Tipp who was into beekeeping. She surely is a relation?

Thatā€™s him.

In a previous lifeā€¦

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Howā€™s the priesthood working out for you?



ā€¦only a matter of time