Claire Byrne 🐝

Poor people need to stop travelling asap. Otherwise the rich folk will be too hot in their holiday homes


i dont think Clare Byrne was interviewing one of their employees

poor people dont fly mate

Gössling recently published new estimates for air travel worldwide, which shows that the great majority of the global population, nearly 90 per cent, hardly ever board an airplane.

Only 11 per cent took a flight in 2018. The same year, only 4 per cent travelled abroad. The numbers are based on air travel in 2018, and thus illustrate the pre-pandemic normal.

As for the share of the world population that travels internationally, which is often long-haul and therefore a greater source of carbon emissions, Gössling finds that only 2 to 4 per cent travel internationally by plane.

She should. It emits more CO2 in a year than the whole of Ireland.


Poland to spend big on power grid to meet renewables goals | Reuters

That’s grand fancy talk “we need” “we expect”. No talk of any actual action.

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take it up with @balbec

That dosent really narrow it down much

Depends on the industry and the company

They haven’t a notion. The miners are a very influential lobby group for some reason

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It’s a big un alright. Think I audited that place years ago

11% of the world taking a flight in 2018 is a significant number.

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God we need to make flying less elitist urgently so

The planet’s climate is a filthy elitist. Rainforests are elitist. They need to be destroyed. Fucking trees, getting in the way of all those car parks.

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How right you were, like a fly to shite.

Why does the EU hate the environment mate?

Claire is battering the beleaguered Damian English around the ring here. She fired him a few softballs on the Tara mines situation, he huffed and puffed and she called a time-out before moving seamlessly onto his declaration of interests problems. Damian shipped a few heavy jabs before obviously the produced sent her the cue to lay off a staggering English. He hopes to run again the arrogant gimp.

Claire 1
Damian 0