Claire Byrne 🐝

“The more scandalous charges were suppressed”…
Question on Quora: Antipope John XXIII was accused and found guilty only of piracy, rape, sodomy, murder and incest after the more scandalous charges were suppressed according to to historian Edward Gibbon. Was there any merit to the accusations?

I admit only to piracy…

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There was a lad in school with us, bit of a mad chap, whose family were beekeepers in Pallasgreen.

Claire is some establishment boot licker. Eddie of Ryanair on her show there and she’s pushing him and the frame non stop of ‘do you accept people must fly less’ because of the ‘climate emergency’. Then pressing him to agree to climate charges for flyers. She will push any and all EU government agenda unquestionably. She’d still be pushing covid lockdowns if it was the current governmrnt/EU policy du jour. A complete establishment mouthpiece. More taxes, more government restrictions, less individual liberty turns Claire on like nothing else


Here comes the selfishgiant to back more government control, another establishment lackey

Ryanair are one of europes biggest polluters, normally RTE just pass off their press releases as news,

Shouldnt they be questioned on their polluting?

Only rich people should be allowed air travel, can’t have peasants getting above themselves


Throw up pollution stats by country there pal, don’t just stick to the EU

The taxpayers are subsidising ryanair, should a company that makes millions be subsidised by tax payers?

Who mentioned countries?

I did - you’re animated by ryanairs pollution - let’s look at in context of total polluters around the globe

Those Germans better get to work so. Claire’s line of shilling is more tax for comuters for flying, and less flying for regular people and asking Eddie of Ryanair to agree. Ryanair have polution because they’re a successful airline.

Are they using some magic brand of fuel that is more pollutant than other airlines?

Do you think it could be connected to volume? And that all airlines pollution is generally connected to volume?

I think it would be better if the Government dont give them subsidies but accept that its because they are successful that they pollute more, however, no harm in them being asked about their emissions.

I believe Germany is increasing its renewables as the expense of the coal plants

just the 634 million foregone

Jet kerosene used for commercial aviation is exempt from excise and carbon taxes. Using the excise duty for heavy oil used for air navigation as a benchmark, the CSO estimates that the amount of revenue foregone in 2020 on jet kerosene due to the tax exemption was €234 million. This compares with €634 million in 2019, before the pandemic.

Global aviation is 2% of co2 emissions it looks , how much of that is retail and how much is commercial I dont know. However Claire’s game is very clear, she’s using Ryanair as the proxy for the plebs - she wants more tax ‘climate taxes’ and less aviation travel for people. Ryanair is just the posterboy for pushing her government lines.

I’ll be able to afford the taxes and prices and it wont affect my travel habits one jot as I’m sure will be the same for the upper class like yourself. However less well off people will be filleted as normal, no more cheap flights for vacation for the chuds.

she is perfectly entitled to ask a big polluter about polluting

no need for more taxes mate, just stop the 634m subsidy

She’s an establishment lackey pushing the climate line. More taxes, more government control, less liberty. You’re both enemies of the people. In your defense at least you’re funny, there’s nothing funny about Claire

do you think the taxpayer should be subsidizing companies making 100s of millions?

I think the coal fired power plant in Poland is the issue here pal in fairness.