
Im in a total fit of rage right now over poxy clampers. Scum of the earth.

In my place of work we were told by the head cheeses that no clamping would take place until the beginning of October. What did I discover on my car during lunch. A fooking clamp.


It a load of crap Flano. Clampers are as bad as Luas inspectors. Two of the worst jobs out there.

im with the clampers on this one

I’ve already opened up the champers to celebrate Flano getting done by the clampers.

Fook off the lot of yis. When I get this clamp off I’ll mow ye down

great news indeed - what was the fine?

Im not paying the fine ya clown, the company is. It’s not the the bleedin fine thats pissed me off its that I hate clampers. Raven, you cant seriously think clampers are a good thing

yes I do- the rules of the road need to be upheld- if your too slothful to find appropiate parking then i fully agree with the clampers clamping down on the likes of you

Eejit, rules of the road? What the fook are you talking about. Clampers have nothing to do with rules of the road. The likes of me? You’ve no idea whats going on with the situation here muppet. No fook off back to your sesspool ya slimey maggot and stop being a complete dick.

woah - whats with the attitude?? you got clamped- accept & move on ( well get the clamp off first & then move on)

They are absolute fooking W**nkers that are nothing but reject Garda’s. They clamped yourselves because they have to meet quotas so they can feed their Muslim Children.

I have nothing against Luas conductors, fare evasion is scummy in my opinion.

The Gardai are on the same level as clampers, worse than the dirt on my shoe.

The Gardai are on the same level as clampers, worse than the dirt on my shoe.

That’s BS.

Bullshit should be treated with more respect than the gardai.

It would, because they are enough scum bag idiots out there to treat Garda with less respect than BS

Scum bag idiots?
Why do the gardai deserve respect? They don’t. Bunch of wasters.
I wouldnt spit on them. The gardai is for is for gobshites without the intelligence to do anything else. Its a refuge for the retards.

The upper ranks of the Garda are wasters. Michael McDowell was a prat, let’s hope the new justice minister will beef up Garda numbers, god knows we need them.

The ordinary Garda on the beat deserves major respect for one of the hardest jobs out there. Of course there are power tripping fookers, but the majority are desent people working against a Dublin washed with gandland crime on one side and a corrupt justice system and a crap DPP on the other side. It’s the courts system in Ireland that’s Bullshit not the Garda.

Beef up garda numbers? Yeah with turban wearing noobs.

Ordinary gardai on the street fighting gangland crime
Ordinary gardai on the street fighting gangland crime
Ordinary gardai on the street fighting gangland crime
Ordinary gardai on the street fighting gangland crime

Sorry I just had to look at that a few times to see if thats what you actually said. Gave me a nice little chuckle for the morning.

Any self respecting person wouldn’t/shouldn’t consider joining the Gardai. I’d rather starve and die than join them

Ordinary gardai on the street fighting gangland crime
Ordinary gardai on the street fighting gangland crime
Ordinary gardai on the street fighting gangland crime
Ordinary gardai on the street fighting gangland crime

Where did I say that?

BenShermin wrote:

the majority are desent people working against a Dublin washed with gandland crime