Clare Gaa šŸ Thread mark II

Crowe is from Miltown Malbay iirc

Can someone post it?

The person accused by Davy Fitzgerald of hurling abuse at him during last yearā€™s championship match between Clare and Wexford has revealed himself as the Clare kit man, Niall Romer. A Kilmaley club delegate, Romer has been a frequent critic of the county board over the years and in particular the county secretary Pat Fitzgerald, Davy Fitzgeraldā€™s father.

ā€œI had to endure criticism from an unnamed individual who was seated in the stand. I call on the Clare County Board to look into the issue,ā€ the Wexford manager stated after his side had lost to Clare in the second round qualifier match in November in Oā€™Moore Park, Portlaoise.

ā€œThe way I was abused today is not right and it should be dealt with. The abuse and the stuff that was thrown at me personally by one individual there today is not right and has no place in hurling.

ā€œI would urge and encourage Clare to look at that and not let him do it to anybody else what he did there today. You canā€™t condone that behaviour.ā€

On Friday, Romer, a member of Brian Lohanā€™s backroom team and former county player, said that he was the person Fitzgerald was referring to. He denied being abusive but revealed what he had said that piqued the Wexford manager.

ā€œI asked the question, where was the money that was raised in America? Where was the money from the Supportersā€™ Club? And it got a reaction. There was no abuse, I asked a question, and when I got a reaction I kept asking the question.ā€

Fitzgerald commented on the supportersā€™ club during his tenure as Clare manager in his recent biography, published in 2018, At All Costs .

ā€œEvery single cent that was raised went supporting the senior and under age teams, be it through contributing to the strength and conditioning bill or giving players who might have been struggling without work a small financial dig out,ā€ Fitzgerald insisted. ā€œIn some instances I even did this out of my own pocket. And for the record, I never took a single cent for myself from the supportersā€™ club.ā€

Fitzgerald added that ā€œa lotā€ of the money raised went into under age structures. ā€œI was so conscious in Clare because of my father being county secretary that Iā€™d make that trip to America every year to raise money for the team. If we are going away to a training camp the rule was always that weā€™d pay half ourselves, the county board the other half.ā€

Romer has been a thorn in the county boardā€™s side for many years, having a reputation for asking difficult questions. At the most recent county board meeting he pressed the county chairman, enquiring if the Wexford manager was going to be part of a proposed hurling review committee, along with a number of other prominent figures. The chairman was unable to confirm or deny, but said the process of selection was ongoing.

The proposed committee has caused anger within the Clare management camp as Fitzgeraldā€™s name was linked to it, appearing to ignore or make light of the breakdown in relations between him and Brian Lohan. It is believed that Lohan made clear he would not sit on a committee with Fitzgerald, two former allies on the field.

Romerā€™s comments during the Wexford versus Clare game last year, along with unspecified alleged online abuse, prompted Sixmilebridge to spring to the defence of both Davy and Pat Fitzgerald by sending a letter to The Clare Champion in January defending their club men. Davy Fitzgerald has been coaching Sixmilebridge senior hurlers in recent seasons, helping them to win successive county titles, while his father has been county secretary since 1990, and full-time for over ten years. His contract was renewed in 2016 and is due to expire, itā€™s understood, in 2023.

A Garda investigation is also proceeding after a complaint was made about online abuse against a Facebook page called Clare Clare Clare .

On January 8 The Late Late Show featured Davy Fitzgerald as a special guest where he spoke of online abuse allegedly directed at both him and his father, Pat. The interview was picked up on and reported extensively. One headline had him ā€˜bravely speaking outā€™. A magazine claimed viewers were ā€˜in tearsā€™ and another publication hailed him for ā€˜slamming trollsā€™.

The reaction was sympathetic, understandably, for the picture painted was one of invasive and distressing commentary, some of which he alluded to as being particularly unpleasant and personal.

The Facebook page in question has been recently taken over, revamped, and renamed ( The Clare Times ), and continues to offer a platform for views on the county hurling team and other items of interest to a mainly Clare following of around 13,000. The person managing the page, now based overseas but originally from Clare, refutes the charges, believing that the commentary, while it contained robust criticism of the Fitzgeralds, did not warrant a Garda investigation. In 2014 Davy Fitzgerald hit the headlines when he revealed that he had been a victim of bullying in school.

Niall Romer said that he was acting of his own accord and his verbal exchange with Davy Fitzgerald had not been a premeditated tactic by the Clare management.

He says he was angered by an incident shortly before the match when there was a delay in releasing the Wexford team sheet. ā€œOur team sheet was given down to the referee and when we looked for one it didnā€™t arrive. And we waited ten minutes and then I was asked go down and look for it.

ā€œI was upset because the team sheet wasnā€™t released before the game, it was held back. I felt two of us can play this game. There was a bit of a barney on the sideline (when the match started) and I said, ā€˜here goes, I will get under his skinā€™. And I did get under his skin.ā€

He feels the matter is being blown out of proportion. ā€œI think he (Davy Fitzgerald) is deflecting from the fact that they got a beating and thatā€™s about the size of it. I just said to myself Iā€™ve had enough.

ā€œItā€™s just an accumulation of things that have gone on and Iā€™d had enough of it. There was no abuse, let me be clear, there were plenty of people there. I knew I would get a reaction. I was saying, ā€˜Iā€™ve had enough of youā€™. I was getting a rise out of him.

ā€œHe reacted and he f***** me back. He didnā€™t know where it was coming from at first. After that he realised and shut up.ā€

The Clare hurlers supportersā€™ club was disbanded when Fitzgerald left in 2016, and a new version relaunched, under the new management team of Donal Moloney and Gerry Oā€™Connor. Fitzgerald helped set up a fundraising club for the team after taking over in 2012. After winning the All-Ireland the next year the capacity to fundraise and cash-in on Clareā€™s success grew considerably.

The Clare Hurling Gold Circle Supporters Club was launched in 2012 ā€œto support and help financially assist our senior hurling panel in achieving success for county Clareā€.

A letter circulated to potential backers in 2014 highlighted where some of the money was going, with ā‚¬8,000 towards GPS and stats packages in each of the two previous years. A contribution of ā‚¬7,000 went to assist with college fees and grinds for players over the two years.

Playersā€™ gear ā€œlaundered and maintainedā€ accounted for ā‚¬6,500. Financial support for injured players claimed another ā‚¬6,500. Training camps received ā‚¬21,000 and financial support to unemployed players cost ā‚¬8,500.

The minimum contribution for club members was ā‚¬2,000.

In Sixmilebridge, the home club of the Fitzgeralds, the decision to write a letter to The Clare Champion newspaper offering support and condemning the alleged abuse, online and in person, was deeply divisive.

An initial poll of opinion by the club secretary, who has since stepped down, showed club members opposed, 17 to 12, to the move. But the club chairman gathered votes from other members and that tilted the vote in the other direction.

ā€œPeople opposed it on the grounds that it is absolutely none of our business,ā€ says one long-time club member. ā€œI canā€™t quantify what abuse they have been getting. Iā€™ve seen no record. None of us agree with it, it is wrong, but it has nothing to do with our club.ā€

In Sixmilebridge, Davy Fitzgerald has coached the hurling team that won the last two county hurling titles even though he continues to manage Wexford. His abilities as a coach and manager are widely acknowledged. He has also experienced deterioration in relationships that once appeared bulletproof. The most prominent of those broken relationships is that between him and his former hurling ally, Brian Lohan.

There is much bafflement in Sixmilebridge too over the recent county board meeting where support was given for an independent review of the countyā€™s operations.

This comes at a time of rising concern that Clare is falling behind in the race to remain competitive, with a hopelessly inadequate centre of excellence at Caherlohan, and a string of alarming revelations around the preparation of the senior hurling team.

The night before the county board meeting, on Monday week last, the club met on Zoom to discuss the motion. A vote showed a slight majority in favour of opposing the Ɖire Ɠg motion, 16-14. But the following night the club backed the motion enthusiastically.

ā€œThat was the most contentious club meeting Iā€™ve ever witnessed. It was a 16-14 vote against the motion and suddenly 24 hours later at a county board the whole executive was for the motion. I was as confused as everyone else. What happened in the intervening 24 hours? Was it that they saw the writing on the wall?ā€

Describing the club now, a member said: ā€œIt is pro-Fitzgerald and anti-Fitzgerald, that is basically what it boils down to.ā€

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Fair enoughā€¦

Iā€™m mixing him up with Marie Crowe of SMB.

That story is utter bizarre

There is neither head nor tail to it, just a pile of words left to people to decipher. Fine if you are from Clare with a regular eye on it

This Romer Cunt wonā€™t harrow half what Davy has ploughed in Clare

The good thing is that this isnā€™t going away. Either the truth will have to come out about the supporters club money or the Fitzgeraldā€™s will throw some of their cronies under the bus which will only further weaken their position.

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That sounds dodgy as fuck.

The dig out? Happens more than youā€™d think

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If you only knew the half of it :sweat_smile:

Iā€™d love if they asked Davy what happened the audio visual equipment paid from the supporters club kitty which disappeared from Caherlohan around the time he stepped down as manager. Pure coincidence Iā€™m sure

The truth would be nice, no doubt there has been plenty messing with money going on

A heave is needed. Get on with it.

Romer sounds like a bit of a character. Iā€™ll contact my friend in the Clare set up for a bit of info on him

Loose cannon. Kilmaley sure.

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crowe from miltown malbay? You sure? I thought he was more hurling territory

that is that then

who did Crowe play hurling for in Clare? played hurling against him in Dublin a few times, still playing a bit I think!

decent skin actually

Is he living out Rush direction somewhere? Iā€™m guessing he boarded somewhere, I donā€™t remember hearing of him playing club stuff, and he wouldnā€™t be that much older than me

Iā€™ve a half-notion heā€™s related to the Hillerys

ā€œThe tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrantsā€

~ Ger Loughnane