Clare Gaa 🐐 Thread mark II

I was going to say thst Scully was being punished for skipping the queue in JM Reidys that time.

Better Dubs make better people etc.

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You could quite possibly see a good few of TK’s vintage step away together in the not too distant future, for various reasons. Between Conlon, SOD, David Mc, Duggan, Malone etc are a lot nearer their end than beginning

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They have made a big push in this over the last few weeks - ticket sales have now surpassed the win a house in lahinch fundraiser last year.

Night and day in proactivity compared to the old executive.

Seniors played Tipp in a challenge yesterday. 4 20 minute quarters with a lot of lads getting gametime. Panel being trimmed this week.

In fairness, they had to push the draw back by an extra month and had to absolutely plough into advertising this month to catch up on sales, so I’d say costs make the profit a little less than you’d think, even with ticket sales reaching targets.

Still, they could have cut their losses and simply settled for less. Good to see that they are at least capable of pushing it. Chairman has the clubs fairly energised about moving tickets which is a huge sea change compared to the last 25 years or so

The clubs getting €30 out of every ticket has more to do with them being energised

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Exactly. This isn’t a goodwill thing from the clubs for the heck of it.

That €30 is the carrot, nothing wrong with that. It’s quid pro quo

Jackie OGorman of Cratloe passed away yday. Smashing man and was have been super hurler.for Clare, played across 3 decades I think

A gent.

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A flaking hurler by all accounts. Fearless.
Lord have mercy on him. R.I.P.

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My auld lad new him. Meant to have been a tough nut too by all accounts.

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He was married to a sister of Richie and Phil Bennis, used to some serious flaking and the rest between them in matches throughout the 70s.

Apparently she’s none too well herself. Jackie had been in hospital since Nov and the missus couldn’t get up to visit him as too unwell to travel.

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Tough station all round for the family.

14, 798 final sales total for the house draw. €170k going back out to the clubs


Pfffttt, not even 1/5th of a JP

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If we had souls left to sell we’d hardly get that much


The difference in general participation and overall positivity surrounding the club game and county set ups over the past 18/24 months has been incredible.

Hats off to the county board and more to come