Clare v Waterford: the Offical Build up thread

Right lads, there has been a few hurling matches in the championship, two in Leinster but jaysus they were poor affairs. Dubs and Biffo’s saunter through to the semi’s. But we have the Munster championship and a real cracker in store.

Is it just me or do Clare seem to always get the short end of the stick the past few years and have to play in the first round? Cork bate them out the gate last year after the battle of Semple Stadium but I think they’ll do a fair bit better in 2008.

Waterford are riddled with injuries, Clare in the long grass. An upset on the cards?

Limerick’s Gaelic Grounds is the venue, reckon around 30,000 will go, though it’ll be announced as 18,593 by the Gah…

Your thoughts…

I reckon Clare will beat them (at very tempting 7/4 odds) but my reasoning is based more on Waterford’s huge injury list rather than any real belief in Clare. That said I think Clare are the kind of physical and grinding team that would pose difficulties for Waterford anyway. For those who won’t be attending, this game marks TV3’s live hurling debut.

Took Clare at 7/4 myself. Think Waterford will be a tired team even though they didn’t start training as early this year as they have done the last couple of years. The injuries to key players have also put the ball in the Banner court. 4 point win for Clare I reckon.

right where to begin…

i think clare should win this but that doesnt mean that they will…we havent settled on a centre back and i dont think conor plunkett is up to it…griifin and diarmuid mac havent too much hurling but i hear that there is savage effort being put in by the boys…limerick will suit us as we cant buy a win in thurles while its waterford second home…

with flynn murphy and ken mcgrath missing while dan the man and eoin kelly touch and go(if they do play they have no hurling done in 2 months or more)…think we will need goals to win this…

Probable clare team:
o grady
o connell
fergal lynch

im expecting big things from donnellan and flaherty and i hope they go well sunday…the last time i was confident clare would win a match in munster we ended getting happered by waterford in thurles…

clare 2.14
waterford 0.16

Team named for Sundays game V Waterford …

Philip Brennan (Tulla)
Gerry O’Grady (Crusheen), Frank Lohan (Wolfe Tones), Dara Clancy (Corofin)
Paddy Donellan (O’Callaghans Mills), Conor Plunkett (Clarecastle), Brendan Bugler (Whitegate)
Colin Lynch (Kilmaley), Brian O’Connell (Wolfe Tones) (Capt)
Tony Carmody (Inagh/Kilnamona), Diarmuid McMahon (Kilmaley), Jonathan Clancy (Clarecastle)
Tony Griffin (Ballyea), Niall Gilligan (Sixmilebridge), Mark Flaherty (Killanena

no gerry quinn but this was expected as himself and management aren’t signibg from the same hymn sheet…disappointed for fergal lynch thought he deserved his chance…

Dan the Man and Eoin Kelly fit for Sunday. Will make a big difference to the Deise team. Game on TV3, Munster championship starting. Bring it on!!!

i would rather thay play to be honest…so people cant be crying about a wekened team when clare beat them…the way i look at it dan has been out for 4 weeks with a knee injury while kelly is out the bones of 2 months with the wrist…hard to see how fit/hurling fit they will be especially as waterford looked very sluggish against tipp in the league(the 2 boys last match)kelly is a natural hurler but dan looks lkie a man that needs to be hurling constantly to keep the eye in…know for a fact that clare are going to take the game to waterford and are motoring fitness wise…met a lad last week who is on the panel for the last 4 years and he maintains its the fitest/sharpest he has been in that time…

come on the banner to fuck…

Think they might do it alright. 7/4 good odds.

Can Clare get the goals though Puke? Waterford always pop up for a couple, so if Clare are able to raise the green at all we might see the Deise dumped out before the Munster-semis for the first time in a good while

Just went in to put some vmoney on this game. Jaysus puke, v700 on it, good man!!! Mucho respecto

Puke is presenting a strong case for Clare. I’m tempted to follow up on my v€20 bet on them with a bit more than that in real cash. Anyone have the full Waterford XV before I do?

pikeman i think the full forwrd line has been picked to do that…fergal lynch was full for all the league but has been left out…he is a big brute of a man but not a scorer and no mobility…he gave paul curran a right roasting in ennis…flaherty and griffin are both well able to finish if given the chance and flaherty is a great man to point frees both short and long range…gilli will battle and look to draw the full back out and diarmuid has an eye for goal also…

have a feeling it will come down to which half back lines hurls the best…both seem a bit green…dont think either plunkett or phelan are intercounty centre backs…if tony carmody is put centre forward and his head is right he could well do a lot of damage…

[quote=“The Puke”]pikeman i think the full forwrd line has been picked to do that…fergal lynch was full for all the league but has been left out…he is a big brute of a man but not a scorer and no mobility…he gave paul curran a right roasting in ennis…flaherty and griffin are both well able to finish if given the chance and flaherty is a great man to point frees both short and long range…gilli will battle and look to draw the full back out and diarmuid has an eye for goal also…

have a feeling it will come down to which half back lines hurls the best…both seem a bit green…dont think either plunkett or phelan are intercounty centre backs…if tony carmody is put centre forward and his head is right he could well do a lot of damage…[/quote]
Aye, Tony Carmody made scoring against Wexford look easy when he has played us. Wait…scoring IS easy against Wexford anyway.
But definitely think if Carmody produces the goods he could do a lot of damage.
BTW does Colin Lynch not play for Lisseycasey or is that the same club as Kilmaley mentioned above on the named team?

This is a really tough one to call. Both teams have had low key preparations to the championship. Neither seemed too interested in the league.

Waterford have the better hurlers IMHO but it’s hard to gauge their hunger this year. Their task isn’t helped with all the injuries and I’d be worried about the full and centre-back positions especially with Ken McGrath missing. I’m not convinced by Brian Phelan yet.

Saying that Clare have a lot unknowns for me. Massive games required from Carmody, Griffin & McMahon.

I’ll go with the Deise. Just…

Waterford team gents?

Probably not named til after training tonight I’d say

Ah cheers, I presumed it’d already been named what with the lads talking about Kelly and Shanahan being fit but I couldn’t find the line-up anywhere.

thats probably where Justin is going to have to round 15 players up from.

Bandage, while not announced yet the backs will line out close to what they did against Kilkenny and in the recent 1-20 to 0-20 win. Which will leave us with;

Pendergast Moran Kearney
Kennedy Phelan Browne

At midfield Brick Walsh is most likely to be partnered by Dave Bennet, who will be on the frees. The attack will depend on injuries, but if Dan and kelly do start, we will be looking at a sextet like;

Dan Pendergast Molumphy
Mullane Kelly McGrath

While most likely starting like that they will continually rotate as always, but the above full line could cause clare worries pace wise and the Half line will be a lot stronger and more experienced than their opponents.

Two weeks ago I wasnt bothered if we won lost or drew as priorities lie beyond munster this year, but now I reckon we will go hell for leather agianst the banner and win by 4++

[quote=“Pikeman”]Aye, Tony Carmody made scoring against Wexford look easy when he has played us. Wait…scoring IS easy against Wexford anyway.
But definitely think if Carmody produces the goods he could do a lot of damage.
BTW does Colin Lynch not play for Lisseycasey or is that the same club as Kilmaley mentioned above on the named team?[/quote]

he plays football for lisseycasey & hurlin for kilmaley. hopin for a clare win altho have no faith in plunkett at cb. id hav quinn there but its a mike macs call! think vaughan should be startin at midfield wit lynch brought on also