What Climate Crisis?

Looks like we’re gonna hit the 1.5degree rise in the next 5 years.

Fred is an imposter.

Punxsutawney Phil Is fine and well as I posted in the appropriate weather thread.

Minus 78 Celsius with wind chill in New Hampshire today on Mount Washington. A record.

Coldest weather in Boston since 1966. Minus 35 wind chill.

It’s a balmy minus 25 wind chill in NY.

You on your holidays or living there pal?

Global warming innit?

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Don’t say you weren’t warned

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What a con job. 3 million flushed down the drain. Well done sleepy.


3 million in carbon credits to save 25 million in fines is money flushed down the drain

go on, the floor is yours, explain your rationale here

Signing up to eat 25 million in fines, the fucking fool.

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So it’s about avoiding fines now?



get planting muldoons

Seems to be from your post above.

nope, it was a correction to @Ambrose_McNulty post

These fines and countries swapping credits will save the planet. Are China and India paying any fines I wonder, like fuck they are.

just correct your original post mate

It’s an EU thing…

A complete con. Carbon credits. The plebs will literally take anything. God, I despise Eamon Ryan and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy