Club Championships 2021 - is fulvio a cameraman?

An awful pity.

It was shaping up to be a decent contest up to that point.

The Loughmore number 9 picked up the hurley of the stricken Ballygunner number 9 and dropped the hurley onto his injured chest. That’s technically a striking action and should have been duly punished with a red card.

So Loughmore should be down to 13.

I’d say the linesman told The ref that McGrath went in with bas of hurl instead of the shoulder …


That’s two this half :clap::clap:

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No harm

Was pathetic from the Ballygunnar player, going down like he was shot


cc @peddlerscross I did say it

Murphy made some kind of motion as if to say McGrath had used his head in that conversation

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Good response from L/C

He went down in a manner consistent with somebody taking an unexpected and unprompted full force shoulder to the diaphragm.

McGrath had also struck out in the initial incident.

He can have no complaints with seeing red.

Pretty stupid from Noel McGrath.

Technically that’s a strike.

Ref’s made up for it since. Loughmore getting every decision.

Ah here…

No wonder Tipp Hurling is gone to fuck :rollseyes:

Not a strike and never a red.


Scandalous decision.

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He gave the ref/linesman a decision to make.

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You’d see bigger dunts between the auld dears down the shops.


The hurley didn’t touch yerman

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Idiot linesman made a presumption on something he couldn’t see.

Johnny was a bigger dick to brandish a red without accurate info

How does he know it’s not accurate ?

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