Club Championships 2021 - is fulvio a cameraman?

Ref made out like he threw elbow

Are Barrs home and hosed? I worked with their keeper for a couple of years so I’d like to see them do it.

The lack of a Nordie poster is stunting the conversation here

The official had no issue allowing the Barrs get another go at a free 15 mins ago when Kilcoo dished out the verbals.

Some hypocrisy at the end when the Barrs did the same thing.

To be fair there was a Barr’s man obstructed before award of the free

Did we do it??

His son.


Aside from the FF Kilcoo don’t have any real decent footballer. It’s just 15 fuckers who can run all day and are coached into some handpassing strategy. Their only tactic is to run the opposition off the park…they got rattled there before half time and it hasn’t looked great since really

One for the things make you feel old thread

There was a lovely bit of cut to the Barrs, you don’t often see it from Cork sides and it seemed to take Kilcoo by surprise. Saying that, Barrs didn’t score from play in the second half and were hanging on in truth. They’re a game side though and admirably so.

Also great to see a gentleman footballer like Michael Shields have a lovely final chapter to his footballing career.

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The ref has given the Barrs everything.

Nothing in that sending off

Are they not back to 15 men for extra-time?

Elbowed him in the chest for no apparent reason, most likely a bit of chawing. Foolish to do so, but Barrs played it perfectly, every man went up in rage and forced the issue. Cute Cork hoores.

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Idiotic but not a red. Should have just been a yellow and free overturned - which is what the Barrs wanted

Are we back to 15 v 15?

Yes I would assume so. Red better than a black at that stage.

I’d say the Cork lad made a jibe about living under the British to the Kilcoo chap, who took the bait and steamed in shouting “free state bastard” before throwing the elbow.

Lovely city smarts. They know how to get under the rural lads’ skins.

Jesus I’ve no idea actually

Ballygunner were slaughtered for doing something similar a few months ago