Club Championships 2021 - is fulvio a cameraman?

Bar Dessie how many more would be pushing to start?

Ian Kenny will start. Really good on Saturday.

Ian Kenny & Peter Hogan.

A couple of Mahony’s, Leavy and Sheehan will be on the bench.

Wouldnt Cahill give them 2 weeks off. Let them enjoy their win.

No chance S O’Keefe will come back? It’s only a few months at this stage

None apparently. L Cahill reached out to him but he’s not for turning. Fair enough really. Comes a time when every sportsman has to decide to get on with life. If the boot was on the other foot and the county team didn’t want him any more he’d be yesterdays news quick enough. His own clubman Stephen Frampton would be proof enough of that.


Ah ya, his choice entirely. He served his time. Just thought maybe he had acheived what he’d set out to do with BG, and by the time he’d be back with Waterford all the hard yards would be done.

Be some slap in the snots to the current incumbents who you’d have to turn back to in a few months time again when SOK has headed off into the sunset again.

The train has left the station.

I would have him down as significantly better than what is there though. But maybe that is unfair

Billy Nolan is a good keeper. Surprised he was not the number 1 last year but he has started the first two games this year. Might not be as good as SOK but is well capable.

Their keeper last year seemed to be solid enough?

No he is a significantly better keeper than what we have without him, but if he doesn’t want to play, then that should be that and we move on. For what it’s worth, I think he is the best shot stopper in the country. By some distance. The save from Fennelly on Saturday was outstanding and the three backs who fucked up the clearance after let him down.


Very jittery on Sunday against a poor enough team and the puck outs were nothing to write home about either.

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I think the puck outs were what cost him the number 1 spot last year which is surprising considering he is a good outfield player for Roanmore… Hopefully they work on that because he is a good on all other aspects.

O’Keeffe is an excellent goalkeeper and would be an asset to any team. If he doesn’t want to play intercounty, so be it. I think he’s a loss to the game but you can’t force the lad.

In fairness, there’s no such thing as a bad intercounty goalie around the top tier at the moment. They’re all excellent shot-stoppers, they all have good puckouts and they all appear to be decent at organising their defences around them.

They play the roles defined for them. Every so often they will do will do something to hugely influence the course of a game but, in all reality, if you look at the likes of Quaid, Murphy x 2, Fanning, Quilligan, Collins, Nolan x 2 etc, they’re all highly capable with little enough between them.

There is no sympathy in this game

I noticed de lesalle and other Waterford clubs wished the gunners well and congratulating them on their win… May have missed it but didn’t see your crowd amongst them …

What the fuck do you want me to do about it?


Raise it at the AGM

I haven’t been at an AGM since 1983.