Club Championships 2021 - is fulvio a cameraman?

Seems to.

Sent off yesterday and sent off in the club champ last year too.

Has he been put off regularly? I think it was two yellows yesterday the last one arriving right at the end. I’d say he has to put up with a lot in club games

He’s well able to dish it out. Tried a nasty one on Meyler in the AI semi final and just missed him or he could have been looking at a red. He’ll get the usual “gets close attention” defence but he’s well able to dish it out himself so we shouldn’t have too much sympathy for him.

Of course who could forget that red card in the league last year, where he blackguarded the Tyrone angels

Calm down.

Nobody is claiming Tyrone are angels, the narrative is usually the other way around.

Clifford seems to be well able for the dirty stuff when he needs to be, it’s a fair comment but I suppose might as well try to skew the narrative.

Petey Harte got blackguared by Paul Murphy just moments ealrier in the same manner Clifford did by McDonnell in Edendork last year.

Errah any daycent footballer has a bit of cut in him, what about it.


You gotta to laugh at these Kerry lads making out they are innocent little cubs who would never do anything untoward at all. It’s always them big bad nordies.

I dont mind a bit of cut back once lads are able to give and take it. I’d have more respect for a forward like Canavan who when getting a bit of gip would turn around a smash a cunt.

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All great players have an edge. Clifford is no different, he’ll get a rough doing some game next year and we’ll have the usual pundits talking about protection. I’d only say that he’s more than able to dish it out too and look after himself. Obviously sometimes it can become a problem like it did with Diarmuid Connolly.

If the great players didnt have an edge, they’d be like that Sloyan clown in Mayo, shiteing on from a barstool to any eejit who’ll listen.

Kerry are badly missing the likes of Galvin & the O’Se’s who’d do the dirt if needed.

A John Small would make a big difference to that Kerry team.

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At least Galvin and the O’Se’s could play a bit of ball too, Small was nowt but a tramp.

Jimmy Sloyan is a great man.


There’s a touch of the Laois off Jimmy - banging on in the pub about how great he was as a minor


He’s a simpleton

He gave Mayo greater service than that gobshite AOS.

He’s still a clownshoe

The authoritative voice of Mayo GAA

A giant among pygmies