Club Championships 2021 - is fulvio a cameraman?

Right at him

Or a black fella playing for Liverpool

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Must have a good rivalry with Templeogue Synge Street so.

Yeah. Faughs lads who play big ball tend to play with Templogue synge st. No love lost between Faughs and Judes either

Shocking decision

Great score by Pat Spillane.

Ref missed two fouls on Lucan lads in the build up. Crowd start getting onto him so he gives them a penalty for nothing

He’s not a teacher.

I think you’ll fine you’re wrong

A shower of bastards. The father never once set foot in their clubhouse. And he hurled with Faughs for years. He hates them


He’s not a teacher. He works in marketing.

That goal was hilarious.

Brendan Gallagher is lethal from the penalty spot.

Didn’t realise Jack McGuire formerly of Listowel Emmetts was lining out with Judes aswell.

He retrained. Hes teaching beyond the road there now

I simply know more than you about everything so I’d leave this off if I were you.

I assume that’s Marie crowe giving the soft interview about Jude’s country lads - standard

Devitts on Camden Street will be hopping tonight after that result.

A great Judes pub.

Who’s in the Dublin SFC final now ? Will the winners win Leinster do ye think ?

Is Madden on the bench for Boden the one in the AFL?

No. It’s the other one I’d say.

Me crokes man says mannion hammer not 100%. Have gone in on boden

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