Club Championships 2021 - is fulvio a cameraman?

All over the place? I think you’re projecting pal. I’m being incredibly consistent and precise. You seem the one who is bamboozled by the definition of competitive.

When two teams dominate club championships consistently and take so long to make the breakthrough at provincial level it does not give much confidence in the level of football in the county.

Tyrone is a meritocracy where 8 different clubs have shared the last 10 championships. In down 2 different clubs have shared the last 13 and one of those clubs took 9 of them. They only won their first Ulster at the 8th time of asking after bankrolling an outside management team that had won 3 of the 5 Ulsters before that.

Time to compose yourself and try and figure out which part of competitive you don’t understand.

Who did they beat a long the way? A novice Armagh champion and the Fermanagh champions in a replay by a point.

Even by your own standards you are having a shocker here. You started off saying there was nothing between all the champions in Ulster, now the Cavan champions run to an Ulster final is being dismissed because of the 2 teams they beat. Wasn’t that the same Derrygonelly side that knocked out Trillick in 2019?

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I’ve been very consistent here.

You still don’t seem to have the first notion about what the word competitive means and God knows why you are trying to discuss something with me if you don’t know what you’re talking about.

2 clubs winning the last 13 titles between them is not competitive. It means 2 clubs have been way ahead of the rest and one of those clubs took 8 goes at UIster, in fact Kilcoo had 7 failed goes at Ulster in succession before they splashed out on the Slaughtneil management team which had won 3 of the 5 Ulsters before it.

Nope I’m just saying they beat two of the weaker teams. Draws can be lopsided as they were that year. Typically Cavan teams don’t fare well on the Ulster stage but to their credit they do have a competitive club championship.

Bet up a stick, he doesn’t like that

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It’s a pitiful show from him today, @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is often wrong on here but at least usually can put forward a credible argument. Today he has been all over the shop, them last couple of posts remind me of the debating style of Jamie Bryson.


It’s truly bizarre

You don’t have the first clue what you’re talking about. You are actually deeply confused about the subject matter.

Invest yourself in a dictionary and find out what competitive means.


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They’ve had Cormac Kirwan giving them a dig out the last few weeks. Heavily involved in Kildare GAA development and a very good pal of Jim Gavin.

Does anyone know who Galway hurling champs have in their annual bye to All Ireland semi?

Who’s managing Glen? Is Malachy O’ Rourke their Bainisteoir or what club team is he involved with up North?

Yes. He’s over Glen.

He’s still shook after being dumped by the teacher

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All reads lovely until you get to the point where they mention that they transferred in Liam Rushe last year :smiley:

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What Dublin club hurling / football side isn’t packed with imports?

I’d guess the biggest two ,who would have traditionally been associated with imports, - crokes and boden… nearly all home grown now