Comrade Patty Cosgrove - Irish Hero



I 100pc agree and it’s great to get at the cunt. But his basic point that Israel are at least as much if not more to blame is correct. It’s not like he said fr Brendan Smyth was very hard done by.

This made me snigger.

It’d want to be some superstar outsider CEO to even move the dial on the perception that this is just cosmetic.

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Could Tubridy be the man?

Enoch Burke might be pro-Israel enough to save the company?

The below is the issue. Saying “war crimes are war crimes even if they’re committed by our allies” is not the issue.

The Ditch’s immediate reaction to the October 7th massacre was to put up a large Palestinian flag in a tweet. Cosgrave may or may not have been behind that tweet, but he liked the tweet on his personal account, so he endorsed it anyway.

I don’t see why it should it be beyond a certain type of highly vocal, very online person on the left to believe in a universal humanity and to be able to express that universal humanity, but it seems to be beyond certain people.

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That was his point after his original one.

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Is she involved in PR? I found her Tweet a bit hard to understand.


That’s an abomination of a post

Paddy cosgrave would be like Ewan mackenna if he wasn’t private schooled

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Like that female IDA employee who he slow clapped on stage at one of his conferences just because she worked for the IDA. Someone just doing their job and likely not getting paid that much money getting humiliated on stage because of that lad’s fragile ego.


Never heard of that. Sounds about right though. An arsehole start to finish.

Don’t forget either.

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In fairness to Patty, Bowes wasn’t a Russian disinformation atrocity revisionist scumbag puppet at the time he helped him found the ditch. Or least not openly. I think.

Bowes always looked like a Russian chaos agent.

And Cosgrave has looked like one too for quite a while now.

Even if true a war crime is a war crime. Sounds suspiciously like the prostitute has bad eyesight defence

Not openly but that Twitter account was linked back to him. How did it go Chay suing them?