Comrade Patty Cosgrove - Irish Hero

I’m surprised you replied

So am I. I suppose I’m being purposely stupid too

Blueshirts don’t like their print media being called out.

Bernard is on the money here.

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Send your fucking kids to kick with OPER Bernard you cunt.

I’d say cosgrave is a complete prick.

hes a total cunt. doesnt make him wrong though


Yip, it’s incredible the power of the Irish media that they managed to get all his other shareholders to launch legal actions against him at right this moment.


I’m just talking about the disproportionate reporting on it.

Amazing the contrast in how the MSM refused to cover the Varadkar story.

The lad making the claims is an RTE board member.

“No. It’s all a massive conspiracy. You’re just another blueshift trying to explain it way” :joy: :joy:

Paddy is fairly lucky that his cheerleaders are mainly angry simpletons who are happy to swallow his spin on anything.

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Ah @tallback in full on blushirt mode dismissing perfectly valid points with the usual conspiracy line.

Give us a few posts there where you were critical of FG.

The upshot of it all will be that the WebSummit is sold within a year or two and Paddy can go full John McAfee with his €100m.


In many cases it’s in the business sections but is among the most clicked on articles so I think you could say there is massive interest from the general public. It’s not that surprising really. Paddy has made himself big news and it’s salacious detail so papers will always run with it.

Incorrect. All the MSM have continued to cover the Varadkar story. Paddy seems to give out when the MSM covered the Web Summit covering the Varadkar story too which is just all sorts of odd

This is true but I’m not sure what difference does it make to any of the reporting. RTE were the last to report the recent affadavits. What are you implying by bringing it up?

Nope. The Irish Times sat on it when they were given the information when it was Varadkar.

They are now reporting extensively on unopened court affidavits on Cosgrave after he had a pop at Vardakar at the Web Summit recently.

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Here you go.

I think FG shouldn’t have gone into gov after the last election. I think that after a good initial response they’ve been largely behind the curve on Covid and made a massive political mistake in how they let NPHET come front and centre. I think they copped on to housing being an issue far too late. I think their budgets have been fairly insipid - giving a little bit everywhere as opposed to really targeting particular areas. I think they spend far too much time worrying what a section of the electorate that will never vote for them think.


I’m talking more about the endemic culture of corruption and cronyism in govt office.

The affidavits have been opened now so no need to worry anymore. Anyway, I thought you believed that the media should report everything - or is it only the stuff you like?

I do think it tells a lot that you’re in a tizzy trying to imply a pan-media conspiracy as opposed to engaging with any of the allegations in the affidavits - which show a consistent pattern of Paddy being a narcissistic cunt.

SF have cleverly kept him at arms length. After their dalliances with Gemma O’Doherty previously I suppose they’ve learnt their lesson.


James Goldsmith Hall.

That’s a Trinners joke.

I have no problem with the media reporting on this.

I’m just highlighting the fact that they are happy to report on some things but not on others. You seem to support the media reporting on some things and sitting on other things. You seem to farcically think there is no political agenda with RTE and MSM when it’s embarrassing the differing standards they have depending on which side of the political divide.