Comrade Patty Cosgrove - Irish Hero

You’ve proved yourself to be a war mongerer from the off. It’s no surprise to see you support the continuation of war and the militarisation of the EU.

So you’re not answering the question and instead just throwing out Daly/Wallace style empty words.

Same as ever.

Ok, I found the piece… Act has negotiators and peace makers was what she said. It’s very hard to disagree with anything she says. Unless you are a war mongerer. She certainly didn’t make a fool of herself.

That video doesn’t look like its an interview on RTE

Her sentiment may hold water but not on the actual issue.

She wants the Ukrainians to act peacefully after being invaded. Wtf like.

Why doesn’t she heavily criticise Russia as opposed to the region acting to help a Country being invaded by its aggressive neighbour?

You’re sharp, very sharp.

Those damn Ukrainians, how dare they fight back against Clare’s beloved Russians

That’s not what she said. She said sanctions are useless as they’ll only fuck the poor. And that the EU should be pushing peace, not war. You, and others, have invented the rest, as usual.

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It’s amazing how FFG and state media sympathy for Ira victims in lead up to an election. It leads to all establishment politicians talking like Daly did above when it came to their own land being invaded…

It’s all a con. It’s the Ukrainian innocent victims I feel sorry for.


Nah, your ignoring the root cause.

Sanctions will affect the poor.

Sanctions are being imposed due to the actions of Russias dictator.

Clare & followers such as yourself conveniently ignore that base point.

No one is ignoring the root cause. Lives don’t matter to you or @Cheasty , that’s abundantly clear.

Sure what does that mean. It means nothing.

You can throw out all the slogans you want, it doesn’t amount to an argument. You’ve had no argument all along.

What are you talking about? Ireland is a free country. Northern Ireland is recognised by Ireland via an international treaty and the majority of the people of Northern Ireland want to remain in the UK.

If the majority of people in Northern Ireland decide they want to leave the UK, they are free to vote that way under the provisions of said international treaty.

On this forum you’ve already displayed your belief that an invasion by one country - a dictatorship, Russia - of another - a free, democratic country, Ukraine, is legitimate. It isn’t.

So given you don’t believe in international law or the right of small countries to make their own choices, it’s not surprising you’re praising Daly, who doesn’t believe in those things either.

Trolling again…

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What’s a con?

Sanctions are designed not to hit the poor. But they will eventually. Even with no sanctions, what do you think the cost of the war is, there’s no way that doesn’t bite eventually.

One thing I’ve been thinking lately is that maybe sanctions need to hit the general population in Russia a lot more. The vast majority of Russians support Putin because life is better under him than it was in the 90s. If anything they’re becoming more radicalised lately while any dissenting voices have been shut down or have fled. Maybe the only way to undermine Putin’s support in Russia is to make people there feel the effects of his actions more.


I’ve read this a few times and for the life of me I have absolutely no idea what you’re attempting to communicate here.

Herself and Mick fumbling for roubles in the greasy till.


I’d say getting ze Germans to do a Brucie on it and turn off the gas, along with trying to get the Chinese to put pressure in Russia would be more effective. But you’re not wrong either.

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Many World leaders tried talking Putin down pre invasion & some once he began his special operation.

What are you shitting on about?