Comrade Patty Cosgrove - Irish Hero

He might be.

But these same chaps lining up the two footed challenges wouldnā€™t be here only for he made valid criticisms of FFG. They canā€™t refute those so steam in on Cosgrave himself.

Donā€™t know the man at all but I think the work he (and others) do on exposing the depths and extent of political corruption in Ireland is vital for a functioning democracy. We have many established media news outlets who consistently bury and fail to report on govt corruptions and scandals, that does not auger well for a civilised democracy.

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Maybe they are going in two footed after those tweets about the guards.

Or the tweets about all the dead nurses

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Odd that those same people have very little issue with the govt making thousands of families homeless so landlords and vulture funds can profiteer.

The point Iā€™m making is that those people outraged by Cosgrave seem to be more so on the basis of their political agenda and how it differs to Cosgraves, rather than a moral standpoint.

Nope. Iā€™d imagine itā€™s to do more with political agendas. Are those same people outraged by tweets about dead nurses as outraged by govt still not paying over healthcare workers their bonuses?

Iā€™d be morally against Cosgrave because heā€™s a fucking cunt. He doesnā€™t pay people he owes money to. He gets people to do shit for ā€˜exposureā€™ and ā€˜experienceā€™. Itā€™s exploitation. He tried to hold ireland to ransom. He lied about a heap of nurses dying to further his own agenda.
Having said that, he is uncovering a fine bit of cronyism and old corruption in ireland. I hope he continues that. Even the fact that it comes out years later will cause the current cunts some discomfort and make them think twice.
So, just like McGregor sending PPR to nursing homes during the pandemic, even an absolute arsehole of a cunt can inadvertently do a bit of good every now and then.


I have no issue with you thinking he is a cunt for valid reasons but the work he is doing on exposing corruption and cronyism is hugely positive from a societal viewpoint and somewhat redeemable.

In terms of cuntishness, Cosgrave is nowhere near a person like Micheal Martin and itā€™s the same people who defend the likes of Martin who are so vocal in their outrage at Cosgrave. The people so vocal about their dislike and mistrust of Cosgrave are the ones who will be defending or justifying the corruption and nastiness of the people Cosgrave is exposing.

Whatā€™s redeemable on Micheal Martin squandering millions of tax payers money to enrich himself and his family?
Whatā€™s redeemable about Micheal Martin lying at the Mahon tribunal and pocketing bungs from property developers?
Whatā€™s redeemable about Micheal Martin sending knowingly sending thousands of families to homelessness so he can protect the interests of landlords and property owners?
Whatā€™s redeemable about Micheal Martin politicising and exploiting victims of The Troubles with a shred of sincerity to those who lived in it and suffered from it, only to further his political agenda?
Whatā€™s redeemable about Micheal Martin and his Trump politics of attacking the opposition rather than addressing his own failures?
Whatā€™s redeemable about a man who gives a six figure salary (paid for by taxpayers) to a former editor of a right wing newspaper, with disgusting and highly racist takes, as his PR man?

Are you morally against Micheal Martin? Are you vocal about that?

The point Iā€™m making is heā€™s a complete cunt. I donā€™t care who he votes for left, right or upside down.

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The point Iā€™m making is that most people so vocal against Cosgrave are only so on the basis that he is exposing the bigger cunts they are completely silent on.

Ah so itā€™s clear who the freaks are in his comments with their Palestine and Celtic Park avatars thinking theyā€™re his mate.

All his good work is ruined by those tweets.

I see you arenā€™t able to contend any of the stories The Ditch have ran.

All you can do is play the man and call people freaks. Not really an arbitrar of decency are you?

Projection is a terrible thing.

Maybe so. As I said, Iā€™m not defending the man - just pointing off that his biggest critics arenā€™t sincere in their criticisms, instead they are motivated by agendas.

Sure thatā€™s nothing to do with him outside of the funding, itā€™s an independent media operation I thought?

Who said that?

The Ditch have admitted they are funded by Web Summit and are a left leaning media organisation.

Cosgrave only gets the best speakers.

So whatā€™s your point caller? I merely made a comment on the likes of you.

Cosgraveā€™s fanbois are absolute simpletons. The whole operation is on the side of the American far right.

My point is people like you are unable to contend the stories broken by the Ditch so instead play the man and not the ball.

You do so on a platform of morality, but this is easily disproved by the corruption, sleaze, discrimination and scandal you try and justify.