Comrade Patty Cosgrove - Irish Hero

The usuals queuing up for Cosgrave because heā€™s exposed corruption on the right wing parties of the Irish establishment.

Nobody is defending him here that I can see. Iā€™ve merely pointed to the insincere positions of those attacking him.

You are here whinging and defending the honour of Paddy because a couple of Brazilianā€™s criticised Web Summit, why?

Cosgrave is as ā€œanti-corruptionā€ as Gemma Oā€™Doherty.

Branding people ā€œcriminalsā€ with zero evidence, as Cosgrave has done with Collins, is not ā€œanti-corruptionā€. It is an attempt to bring down liberal democracy through a concerted attack on institutions and an astro-turf spreading of absolute distrust in liberal democracy, so that a corrupt regime of his cronies comes to power and enables the very sort of corruption Cosgrave wants - for him - and moves Ireland towards Russia and China.

However bad you think Cosgrave is, heā€™s waaaay worse.

@Tim_Riggins is a privately educated neo liberal conservative. He fully believes that ordinary people should have no rights and big business and political elites can do as they wish. He has demonstrated that here for years and years. Heā€™s worst nightmare is something like the Ditch.


Iā€™m not defending the honour of Paddy at all.

Iā€™m merely saying there is no sincerity about your attacks on him. Youā€™re merely raging that he is exposing the corruption and sleaze of the political parties youā€™re aligned with that the MSM have ignored for decades.

If Cosgrave is branding people as criminals with zero evidence, there is a legal route to tackle him and get damages.

The problem the pro-establishment lunatics have is everything The Ditch have reported has been substantiated in their articles and so far has got the resignation of two government ministers and resignation of the ABP, based on solid journalism and substantiated by documents and files unearthed through FOI requests.

Sadly much like in the UK, MSM seem preoccupied with running daft hit stories on left wing opposition politics.

Paddy C went to a boarding school and set up a conference that was a neo liberal paradise. When he could extract a higher price, he upped sticks and moved. He has since planted that conference elsewhere.

Are you suggesting this is a socialist?

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Iā€™m talking about the Ditch.

Well youā€™re here the day after a couple of tweets were made about the WS. Thatā€™s what was posted here yet here you are windmilling away on his behalf.

Do you think heā€™d actually give a crap about the likes of yourself if he ever happened to be in the same room as you?


Iā€™m not windmilling on his behalf at all.

Iā€™ve merely pointed out that his most vocal critics are not here because theyā€™ve an issue with Cosgrave tweeting about dead nurses or Gardai but because he has helped exposed the huge depth of corruption and cronyism between the Irish Establishment and the polticial parties that govern it.

Whether it be SF, PBP, The Ditch, Village Magazine, Chay Bowes, Paddy Cosgrave, whistleblowers like Jonathan Sugarman, Shane Corr etcā€¦the response from these people to those who expose corruption and wrongdoing is the same - attack and smear the man but never play the ball. Why?

Another couple of paragraphs defending his honour because a couple of random Brazilians criticised the Web Summit. :rofl:

You can see why Ireland was ruled for so long by the Brits. The likes of yourself doffing the cap at the Man of the Big House when he wouldnā€™t piss on you if you were on fire.

Again, I have not once defended Cosgrave here.

Iā€™ve merely called out that you are enraged that Cosgrave has played a part in exposing political and institutional corruption in Ireland. You cannot dispute stories The Ditch have ran so instead you try and attack the man.

Couldnā€™t give a toss about the Web Summit, donā€™t really care much for Cosgrave himself as he seems well able to handle trust fund babies like yourself.

Iā€™m merely pointing out your agenda and attempts to attack those who expose corrupt and nefarious actions of those who hold power.


Bizarre tirade of whataboutery. 1

No itā€™s a damning indictment of your double standards and confirmation of the fact you have an agenda against Cosgrave rather than a moral standpoint.

Run along now.

People who resort to shouting whataboutery are usually not able to explain away their contradictions.

Cosgrave is making it very fucking obvious heā€™s a shill for China.


Thereā€™s a tonne of these. Because Martin is old FF. Heā€™s probably not as corrupt as some of the others but theres no doubt heā€™s done a whole load of grifting.
Itā€™s just bizarre, youā€™re an enraged manchild but you think youā€™re batman.
Run along to your batmobile now fool.

Youā€™re doing that passive aggressive thing you do when you lose an argument.

Why arenā€™t you as vocal about Martin as you are Cosgrave?

The lads love Martin because he attends a few GGA games

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