Cork GAA - They're going home! - sponsored by Sports Direct and Super Valu

Openly training too.

A football team rocked up to Mary I a couple of minutes after 630 tonight, minutes after the security knocked off :grinning:

Saw a group of lads going into a soccer pitch with gear etc. Looked like a training session but just as easily be a kick around. Power to them I wonā€™t be ratting them out.

That reminds me actually, i was over in the Shelbourne pitch by the maternity yesterday with the dogs and there was a youth team training there.
Itā€™s going on all over, even if itā€™s not organised officially you canā€™t blame anybody for arranging something.


Proper order. A great uptick in kids out playing. Great to see

:rollseyes: The wagons being circled now, ā€œItā€™s going on all over!ā€

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No regard for the sign to keep off the pitch either

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Whatā€™s the matter with you lad?

Did you see them?
It was like they were waiting around the corner for the security to knock off :grinning:

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Not this evening but Iā€™ve seen plenty of lads in there in the last few weeks in smaller groups so I suppose it was only a matter of time before someone chanced a larger session. Iā€™d say the lads wouldnā€™t mind!

I used to know a very nice fella that did security in Mary I who died there about 18 months ago. Its a great spot, lovely mix of locals of all ages and students, will be a fantastic buzz when things get back more normal. A super amenity.

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I can confirm there were two mini sessions taking place tonight in my local pitch.

One being a coached by a county coach with 4 other players. The other was 7 club players including myself being self taught.

Happening all over.

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Fair play tye, great to be back at it Iā€™d say. We need to get this vaccine yoke out and put all this shit behind us. An awful year.

Who died?

Ya itā€™s tough. Iā€™m at the peak of my powers now as a player but prob be in decline shortly with my age profile.

Iā€™d love a championship like last year but main thing Iā€™d love is to get 15+ games (leagues etc) played when we resume in June (hopefully).

Only a small thing in the overall scheme of things but Father Time waits for no one, sport (even at amateur club level) is no different.


By jaze youā€™re an optimist.

Nobody belonging to me, but my mother had her Breastcheck delayed and has stage 3 breast cancer so wasnā€™t a great year tbh palā€¦sheā€™ll be grand, but it wouldā€™ve been better if she knew earlier with treatment and that.

It may be going on all over, but only in Cork did they knife their own.

Thatā€™s the Prods/YMPA at the back of the maternity unless youā€™re referring to St Comiliceā€™s which is beside Shelbourne Parkā€¦


It says Shelbourne AFC on the gate, itā€™s right next to the maternity, we had this conversation recently