Cork weirdo/sicko thread

Why did the gga ban foreign dancing

Cos the macarena and Mambo no.5 are shite


Anybody got info on the fascist games the gga organised in the 1930s?think it was the tailteann games

The Morris dancing brit with a pop

Many amateur sports had bans on professionals coming back.

The simple fact is that the majority motivation for those clubs was self improvement.

The clubs made little to no effort to spread rugby league. They just wanted the players.

How many countries are there in the world are there with indigenous games where there was a War of Independence with the indigenous games people largely siding with the victors and the non indigenous games people largely siding with the departing colonial masters?


I suppose foreign dancing is easier than mail order to find a wife for you?

are you making up shit?

participation numbers for gga sports have always been poor, especially in urban areas

poor enough segway mate

Thank God we ran The Tans, we’d have fuck all bar rugby football but for the bravery of our ancestors.

We still wouldn’t have got further than a “World Cup” quarter final all the same.

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I didn’t mention rugby. I mentioned state funding for fee paying schools. Do you think it’s right that they get funded even though few can avail of private education?

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The Toffs are actually saving the state money here.

The cunts were still saluting the King at their after match dinners well into the 1930s and then they turn around and wonder why Dev was embarrassed to be associated with them.

You literally couldn’t make it up.


Nonsense as you well know.

There was little difference between the working class association football fan and the working class GGA type.

Making things political was deliberate by the GGA to get ahead.

You can dance around all you like on it. What went on was a disgrace.

Damhsa Gallda, it was known as.

Translates roughly as Gowls Dancing.

Wah wah wah

Some unionists played a different sport.

Éamon DeValera didn’t stop going to rugby games because of rugby people, it was due to the GGA.

Not a disgrace at all. Very much an important part of our nation building and quest for our own distinctive national identity. How much poorer a place culturally would Ireland be if the Gaels had lost that existential quest for survival. How we’d miss that thrum of excitement that courses throw the veins of the nation every summer. Sure there’ll be oddballs who feel excluded from all of this but that’s life.


You’re getting a bit childish now.

So you agree then.

It was right and proper that the GGA used sectarianism, bigotry and other means to promote their games above others. It couldn’t stand on its own two feet without that.

You’re happy enough that all the Protestants left in the 20s and 30s as well I guess.