Cork weirdo/sicko thread

only because Thompson was pleading not guilty and the court date had to be changed and the girl make arrangements to travel home. then she changed her plea anyway. Part of the €6k was for costs towards this.

He’s got a major hard on for aisling. Read into that what you will.

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Ashling Thumpson.


What does this wan do for a living? primary school teacher I suppose.

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Cork people are very clannish and parochial, they stick together no mater what, not one Cork person on here has said a word against her. They even stuck up for Tim Allen and made excuses


Are the victims from Cark?

I see lots of assaults where a few bucks is paid over and no one goes to jail.

Nobody has any interest in common sense, they want her locked up because she’s considered mouthy and has had a public battle with depression (unforgivable)
The verdict is in line with what was expected, typical for the type of offense and the record of the offender


She assaulted two women, unprovoked.

How can you stand over behaviour like that?


Jaysus it was only a couple of slaps. If you were jailing people for that you wouldn’t be long having to let all the real criminals out of jail to make room.


Doesn’t matter, unprovoked assault on a pair of vulnerable women is worthy of a jail term.

Were they vulnerable? I missed that from the reporting. What was wrong with them?

They were unprepared for the vicious attack coming their way.

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Ok i get you. Vulnerable means something different in this context Id suggest

They were vulnerable, yes.

What made them vulnerable aside from the fact they were not prepared for the assault? Were they especially frail or did they have a disability

Victim blaming now. My my. Sweep sweep…


What made them vulnerable was that they were not expecting some scumbag to go around and assault them for no reason whatsoever. I feel sorry for the poor girls that their attacker has got off.

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Not at all. If you read back i called this sentence oit as extremely lenient. If the victims were especially vulnerable then Id consider it even more shocking tbh

Not unusual to avoid jail, but a conviction and suspended sentence would be common based on my casual review/reading of similar cases over the years.