Cork weirdo/sicko thread

You don’t get jail for raping a 14 year old girl but by God if you label garlic as apples when importing food you’ll feel the full force of Paddy Justice.


I’m not saying she should have got jail time but she should have a conviction out of it at least

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Avoiding any conviction for two unprovoked assaults (did one result in a broken jaw?) is fairly mental, is it not?

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This happens all the time. Read any local paper. The only difference her is she has a public profile and the national papers have picked it up.

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Is there a distinction between a suspended sentence (i.e. a conviction) and her situation? Can’t be arsed clicking back into the article but was she not let off without any blemish? Just looking at the local paper yesterday, a lad was given an 18-month suspended sentence for blindside punching a lad during a match and breaking his jaw. He also has to pay him €15k compensation. Yer man has this conviction on his record and can’t, for example, coach underage sport any more now. Has she not essentially gotten off completely?

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No broken jaw mate, the assaults were minor in the sense of the word, the judgement is nothing out of the ordinary

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Yes. She got no sentence. No conviction. Nowt. You would have to be convicted to get a suspended sentence.

Extremely light sentence


Broken jaw must have been some idle chat. I’m almost certain it was reported in some media outlet at the pre trial phase.

Suspected fracture of the jaw I believe.

Suspected Hairline fracture

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I told ye. To have no criminal conviction whatsoever seems very lenient. I’m sure there’s loads of people who’d part with 6k to have their record clean

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It is funny alright.

I plead Guilty.
Ok, thanks, we’ll leave it out though, no point in convicting you. Throw us out €6k and we’ll say no more.

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Society will have to wait until she attacks again for a criminal conviction to apply.

Bit of a joke that you can plead guilty to two separate assaults and walk away entirely thanks to a minuscule €6k pay out.

If her address was Mahon or Mayfield she wouldn’t have got off as lightly, no doubt.

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Op never followed up ref her suspected hairline crack so no medical reports for the judge to look at

Agree ref the address being a big factor

Is Thompson juicing? Looks very muscly in those photos. Roid rage an issue?

Con O’Leary has destroyed the lives of quite a few TFK posters with his verdict :smile:


typical BIAT, no empathy for the victims of these unprovoked attacks


Did one have to travel home from Dubai?