Cork weirdo/sicko thread

Gas. Bates all

As you drive under tunnel and make your way along link road you can look down and have a good vantage point of Douglas shopping centre. Traffic was at a stand still this morning as people were literally stopping in their cars to inspect a Smokey building.

Well the single line of traffic is the reason the traffic was there. But yeah, it’s some dose for the village in general. 100s of jobs put on hold, structural damage could mean the car park would have to come down. Tesco are fucked as their delivery area is under the car park. The whole thing is a mess, only winners are Dunnes Stores


The cinema car park will be jammers for a while … have they narrowed down how/ who exactly started it?

You’ll have the TFK sleuths thinking there’s something here…:thinking:

It’s possible some Cork deviants will get off on dogging in the burnt out shell of a car park overlooked by a ring road. They might enter the equation too.

…wrong thread

Tesco and M&S taken out with the fire along with TK Maxx and Starbucks. Douglas Court is laughing with the extra business

I asked you a question.

Car went on fire in there I think. Dont think any mystery the car owner was there

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Inside job…

And the fucker couldnt grab a fire extinguisher ? 4 x 4 was what I heard but have no idea if it’s true

Not sure

Bit of perspective gents. It could have been worse. It could have been somewhere apart from Cork.

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Someone parked zafira in there?

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Caused by global warming.

With an LG telly in the back.

TFK has well-established Murder and Aviation Disasters Investigative Divisions - who handles Arson?

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I am in cork today and have heard that it was an electric car that caused the fire

According to Newstalk it was a Zafira