Cork weirdo/sicko thread

Is Bishopstown gone rough? My grandfather lived there for many years and my aunt is still there. We were bussed down there many summers to experience ā€˜urbanā€™ life for a week or two.

Ya, you know the score here. You can pretty much rule out the first gobby little fucker that opens his mouth, heā€™s not the one youā€™re after.

Seek out the kingpin and bide your time.

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No for the most part itā€™s quiet,stabbing 2 months ago - unusual- druggies fighting,council estate on the model farm road is/ has riddled with Heroin so than in itself wreaks havoc locally at times

According to the girl herself heā€™s a non national/ weā€™ve enough of our own weirdos without adding anymore,buddy works in the vodoo rooms ,plagued by a group of Africans 18/23 robbing handbags ,now thatā€™s taking the pikeys traditional jobs in bars/ night clubs ,must get onto Martin Collinā€™s and pavee point

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Iā€™m in Midleton for my sins. I notice there is a mental hospital but is there care of the community type employment?

I couldnā€™t get out of the petrol station for the lad behind the counter, not from Cark mind, more Easter Europe, for talking to me and then I got stuck in a queue in the Super Valu cos the bird serving was chatting to every bleedin customer while swinging the contents of the shopping trolley instead of swiping them over the bar code reader.

Are they on day release or is this place just mad friendly?

Give me Passage West any day. Least you know where you stand with the localsā€¦all good for us bar stool Celtic fans!!

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Going on for years when I bounced in town it was happening regular,
,girls need to cop on and watch their buddies instead of leaving them walk home or latch onto some weirdo,reports on red FM regularly of this happening

Girls need to cop on? Iā€™d say lads need to stop spiking themā€¦


Are drink spikings genuinely a regular thing?
When I was younger, any of the girls who reported getting spiked were pill poppers who took one too many.

Yes ,buddy bounces in the vodoo rooms and on student nights fairly regular alright,not always with rape in mind obviously,but silly bastards dropping stuff in drinks just to see someone make a clown if themselves

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Youā€™d want to be an extra special kind of scumbag to spike a girls drink. As there is only one reason to do it, it should be legislated as attempted rape and carry a min 5 year sentence.

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Have to agree having 2 daughters and a rake of teen grandaughters I dread the older ones coming to Cork on visits, rarely happens in Derry,( rape) can count on one hand amount of serious sexual assaults / rape that I know of

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Yep 100 pc, our nation had a caustic relationship with the booze but not being addressed.

This would tally with what Iā€™ve been reliably informed

A Turkish lad and a Traveller woman?

Sounds like @anon61878697 :thinking:



Sadly, the only contact I have with traveller women these days, are all PMs that @Copper_pipe sends onā€¦

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