Cork weirdo/sicko thread

Pity the law at times though, they’re really up against it,any hassle and the phone comes out ,so must be extremely frustrating, judiciary needs to fucking wake up and slap the whures with maximum sentences as often as possible

:joy: :clap:

[quote=“PhattPike, post:3340, topic:20209”]

Three serious assaults in Cork since Thursday, one fatal so far. Lawless.


1 of the other ones better off dead


A 55-year-old farmer’s dance moves on the Crane Lane dancefloor got him into trouble and today he appeared in Cork District Court where he admitted charges arising out of the incident.

Patrick Ring of Peake, Coachford, County Cork, pleaded guilty to engaging in threatening behaviour and being drunk and a source of danger at Crane Lane, Cork, on the occasion.

He also pleaded guilty to causing criminal damage at the premises by smashing a window near the bar area. Finally, he admitted having a small amount of cannabis for his own use on the occasion.

Defence solicitor, Donal Daly, said in mitigation: “He is a farmer in West Cork. He is 55 and he had too much to drink that night. He was out on the dancefloor of Crane Lane dancing.

“He insisted he should not be removed from the premises. He was upset, absolutely, and the gardaí arrested him and brought him to the garda station.”

Inspector Seán McCarthy said gardaí were called to the Crane Lane and arrived to find him on the floor of the premises where he was being subdued by a member of security staff.

“He was aggressive with staff and he was held down by bouncers. One bouncer complained that he (the defendant) kicked and smashed a window pane and that he (the bouncer) was assaulted. But he did not make a complaint of assault,” Insp. McCarthy said.

Mr Daly, solicitor, accepted that while the accused had some previous convictions they were historical.

“He is out of trouble for a considerable period. He has paid the money in full for the damage to the window (€175) and he apologises.

"He is embarrassed. Nothing like this happened before. He accepts he possibly was out of order on the dancefloor.

"He certainly never meant for it to happen,” Mr Daly said.

The solicitor said Patrick Ring called back to the Crane Lane premises the following day to apologise and also apologised to gardaí.

Judge Carol Anne Ní Chúllacháin fined him €200 for being drunk and a danger, €200 for being in possession of cannabis for his own use and she took into consideration charges of engaging in threatening behaviour and causing criminal damage.

I’m seriously having second thoughts about my forthcoming clean living weekend in Cork reading this



“Corkness” of the cream cracker variety.

Tis like War of The Buttons

Let em into parc ui chaoimh with their slash hooks and machetes to sort it in one big free for all.


They’re not Cork or Irish,they are different breed,this goes on all over because it’s allowed to,not reported as often as it should be,these useless whures do what they want,when they choose, mostly segregated in jail even,can’t live with settled ppl at all,or their own - hassle hassle hassle,like the Drogheda druggie thing it goes on and on,if they only knew how pathetic they are with this calling out melarky? surely some travellers representative can speak ) mediate, fucking judiciary needs to bang scum such as these scrotes away for 10/ 12 years and make them relaise that the law cannot be broken without serious consequences- anyone threatening to murder/ harm must be banged away

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War of the draw strings

Stay safe @anon61878697.

They’re on the north side, that might as well be another country.

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It is another country,untamed world populated by sorry Norries

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Just keep your wits about you. These inbred animals know no bounds.

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Well said.

That shite needs to be stopped.

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