Cork weirdo/sicko thread

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Martin “Chamberlain” McDonagh


Honourable stuff there, you love to see it.

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Sensible people win the day.

Fucking Apaches

This has restored my faith in the Beautiful City. Clean living weekend BACK ON

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Fair play to the Kilmallock boyz.

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Cork is officially a war zone

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The real dregs of society.

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Did stokes offer fairplay terms . ?

Some kind of dream catcher it appears to be . The cork hirling supporters are desperate now

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Martin MacDonagh is a gent. So long as he doesn’t have liquor in him.


Low brow violent shit stinking inbred IQ deficient degenerates… every last one of them.

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Yes,behind the pikey camp on the straight road( I previously referenced them as Apaches)

Desperate for a long time now, but have to keep the faith

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Cork News - Live

29.01.2020 19:00

Gavel resting on sounding block in the court room Gavel resting on sounding block - Stock image Women, Females, 30-39 Years, 35-39 Years, Adult

Gavel resting on sounding block in the court room Gavel resting on sounding block - Stock image Women, Females, 30-39 Years, 35-39 Years, Adult

Bail denied to man accused of burgling the home of a couple in their eighties

Liam Heylin

A BOOK of evidence was served on a man charged with burgling the home of a couple in their eighties as the accused declared today, “I’m innocent of this.”

John Faulkner, aged 37, also said under cross-examination by Sergeant John Kelleher at an unsuccessful bail application in Cork District Court, “I know nothing about this.”

Detective Sgt Hugh Twomey alleged Mr Faulkner was one of a gang targeting elderly people at Mass on Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings in the belief that the pensioners had large quantities of cash at home from saved pension money.

“They were not opportunist, they were planned and co-ordinated,” Det Sgt Twomey said.

Another pikey robber of old folk

There was an encampment of them living in the dump out by the Long Pavement, is this cunt one of them?

I’d better send Martin down again to sort it out.