Cork weirdo/sicko thread


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Weird bastards


That sounds like the “republicans” are not happy that the normal drug trading has broken down tbh.

One of those stabbed loosely connected to the Saoraidh mob( new Ra) not liked / respected in Cork by the broad republican fold,so 32csm issued this( supposed to be an in house statement,but obviously it’s a shot across the bows to the new ra clowns ( the beast shot in Blackpool a few years back by Real IRA was a new Ra prick)

Tbh, they are all a bunch of vicious children. The IRA “real” or otherwise have no place in society, and certainly not in cork. What fcuking use are they to a united Ireland? None. None whatsoever. They make it less likely. It will happen within a generation but by the ballot box. It will happen best without outright hostility from the moderate unionist majority, confining the fleg wavers to the margins. Having lads in cork at pretend ira meetings will only make the moderates uneasy. It is counterproductive.


what will they do with all the fancy dress gear? the glasses and the berets and camouflage jumpers?

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There is that.

You might get some punishment tickles for that incendiary post.

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I’m afraid what you or I or anyone thinks it’s irrelevant ref republican politics, it’ll roll on ,and to a certain extent in working class areas of Cork,Derry,etc etc the different branches are some people’s first avenue when in trouble ( sort the Gardai can’t handle)fact of life whether one likes/ approves / understands

Whatll the heros do after Ireland is reunited at the ballot box?
Pat each other on the back at the corner table* in Murphy’s back bar before the 4 o clock EPL game kicks off every Sunday.

  • Reserved for “the lads”

They’ll do just as SF do I presume,and what FF did etc

What do they do now that distinguishes them from SF?
Do they have secret handshakes and do marching practice with broom handles?

SF are politicans,as FF are now, what they were is long gone

Secret handshakes reserved for the Mason’s ( non RC)

That’s exactly my point. SF will lead to a united Ireland. Pretend paramilitaries will have the opposite effect.

SF down here even 25 years ago were looked down on by most free state ppl,they were viewed as murderers, gangsters,druggies ring a bell?

SF etc evolved from killing/ extortion/ policing nationalists etc,etc, eventually became politicians that’s the way it was was when the state was founded and will always be

SF have extricated themselves from paramilitary thugs pretty successfully.
And look where they are compared to 25 years ago.
“Real” IRA. “new” IRA. In cork. FFS. They are a bunch of inadequates, incapable of achieving any modicum of routine achievement in life, like holding down a job and providing for and rearing a family, so they make themselves feel big and clever by joining the secret seven. They are no better than the freemasons they ape.