Cork weirdo/sicko thread

I worked in Carrigaline many moons ago and it was a super place, few minutes to the city, coast etc I was back down a few years ago for a visit and it has changed out of all recognition. Huge influx of people and obviously that brings its own issues. Sorry to see what is happening down there. A few Lugs Brannigan type cops on the beat would help…

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Stabbers name and address up on twitter now too.

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Don’t care as they’ll not do a minute in prison

What in the fuck???

Interesting though not unpredictable how the racists are using this for their benefit on twitter and elsewhere

Would you ever fuck off.

A young fella was nearly stabbed to death and people happily filmed it while the victim was terrified.

It doesn’t matter if the culprit or the victim were white, black, brown or yellow - it’s fucking disgraceful.

The last thing needed is more virtue signalling from you. Anybody with an ounce of a decent upbringing knows racism is abhorrent. We don’t need you to jump in here on your moral high horse to repeat that.


That’s fucking eejits stirring the shit , looking for a reaction, ( physical) when no doubt is going to happen, and more of this rubbish with happen, down to parents, local cops and the opening of Garda stations otherwise we will have more,
P.S. Carrigaline Garda station ( closed mostly) is a minutes drive from the stabbing location

All for e2 , victim wouldn’t cough up

You’re playing the man here and not the ball,

It’s a valid point, this incident is a godsend for some, validates what they believe in.

The constant bile filled personal attacks are a bit tired now fella, every thing I say seems to send you into blind rage

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Agree wholeheartedly, have to call a spade a spade- he went out with a knife on him to do damage,if it was a black kid stabbed there would be total outrage, both here and online, it would be a racist attack, all that gang of cunts were black from Ballincollig, meeting up with more black and white cunts from Carrigaline, 220 bus again


These were all black youths, driver was a white female

I can’t remember the last time I replied to one of your posts, don’t flatter yourself with the “everything I say seems to send you into a blind rage” stuff.

If the roles were reversed you’d be the very one on here screaming about appalling racism etc. Not that I’m in any way defending or condoning anyone, of any ethnicity, who violently attacks or stabs another person.

A young lad is stabbed and your instinct is to jump up into your ivory tower and denounce a few idiots on twitter. For most people their first thoughts would be (1) I hope the young fella attacked is alright and (2) I hope they catch the little scrote responsible and his accomplices who should be subjected to the full rigours of the law.


Jesus wept

Look, it seems to me that every week or so you go off on a mental diatribe about me, I won’t go looking but it’s regular enough, I just don’t get it.

Of course my first thoughts are with the young fella, that goes completely without saying, I don’t think I would be screaming about it in any situation, it’s not my style at all,
My comment is valid and I don’t think it’s right of you it anybody to try to deny me the right to make it, why the personal abuse??

It’s actually impossible to be a virtue signaller on TFK, if that was my thing I’d go on twitter

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Let’s hope judiciary will actually make an example of this pup + to all who carry knives, gardai need to get more pro active ,it could be a death we’re talking about

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Guards need more presence in Cork, these last few incidents are all over the greater city area and young fellas think they can get away with it. Patrick’s street is riddled with dodgy looking heads in general. My gf ball hops and gives me grief about Limerick but going on all this cork is a far rougher lately. It’s sad Cork is a grand spot and the people have a great pride in the place




Agree the gardai haven’t a hope of controlling these scumbags,gangs of feral teens all over the gaff from all backgrounds

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