Cork weirdo/sicko thread

Thereā€™ll be some crowd on college road next week

Shes jealous shes not invited. Has her keys ready and all

Surely this hasnā€™t been happening in past few years

Cork GAA to confiscate Confederate flags from fans attending matches
via The Irish Times

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Less than 3 years ago mate

Animals. 4 Confederate flags and an upside down star spangled banner.


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Cork = Irelandā€™s shame

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wouldnā€™t get excited about it, majority of fans dont know or give a fuck about the link to slavery, look at the pics, mostly young teens

This cunt should be just put down

He said he believed the appropriate sentence was 12 years but he suspended the final two years on condition that Oā€™Sullivan stay away from the family and never have any contact with them again upon his release

For the life of me I canā€™t see why he gets two years off the sentence for that condition, if he goes near her again heā€™ll surely finish the job

Itā€™s a bizarre condition alright. It should form part of his release conditions, not a factor for remission. DPP might appeal it.

But yeah, heā€™s now had 2 goes at it

That photo is a quarter of a century old I would think ?

No, thatā€™s just Cork fashion


They last beat Kerry in Killarney in 1995 . Could be the hurling game v Tipp there in 2004

Northside Cork fashion only, us southsiders are suave bastards

Bookshop owner defends face mask policy

Barry Roche

A Cork bookshop owner has defended her decision to ask customers to wear masks coming into her shop to protect against Covid-19, following backlash on social media.

Joan Lucey, who owns Vibes and Scribes on Lavittā€™s Quay in Cork city centre, reopened her shop on Tuesday and asked customers to wear a mask and, if they didnā€™t have one with them, the shop was happy to provide one.

ā€œWe asked people to wear masks for the safety of our staff and our customers and if they didnā€™t have one, we were happy to provide them with one and they could make a donation to the Cork Sexual Violence Centre,ā€ said Ms Lucey.

ā€œBut we were very surprised when we discovered this really bad reaction on line with some people going on to our Facebook page, accusing us of trying to humiliate them and others saying that they were going to blacklist us.ā€

Among the comments posted on the shopā€™s Facebook page was one stating ā€œcompulsory masks and sanitizers [sic] are my reasons for blacklisting the shops. Itā€™s not Covid that kills small business, itā€™s those shopsā€™ own policies.ā€


Another person expressed delight that Vibes and Scribes had reopened, but said they would ā€œnot step a foot inside unless you remove the absurd requirement for people to wear masksā€.

Ms Lucey said she was simply following HSE advice on masks out of concern for her staff and customers.

ā€œWeā€™re asking people to wear masks simply to protect our staff and customers and if for whatever reason, people refuse to wear a mask, we ask them to limit their visit to 10 minutes ā€“ again out of concern for our staff and customers.ā€

Shop is right here .

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100%. The woman was providing them with masks even.


Presumably book shops are operating under a requirement that all books touched have to be put away for a few days.

I find that mad. Surely if you insist that hands are sanitised upon entry then there shouldnā€™t be any problem?

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Why are you presuming that?