Cork weirdo/sicko thread

I had a look through that page, there’s a gang of them in it … there’s another egg head and a few friends that do the same craic - there was a Roco video taking the piss out of Passage done by him not so long ago … then my mate in Thailand sends me on a video of another Cork wan, taking the piss out of pubs re-opening - in a posh soutside accent but slowly turning norrie as she got drunk …

That’s Cork people in a nut shell - they all think they’re comedians — spending hours talking into a phone and doing edits for a bit of attention.

Boring bastards.


I’d say Reggie and Audrey are just having a laugh at the stereotype of the Rochestown crowd and the faux Northside/Southside rivalry that has existed forever in a lighthearted way,
A sense of humour, something severely lacking in the Limerick TFK user, they’ll be seething at the slight :grinning: but dress it up in the usual manner

We’ve a more sophisticated sense of humour pal … I’ve been getting anti-Limerick sentiment since I landed down here - Reggie pulls it off to a tee.

Did you hear about the corkman who thinks he’s the same as everyone else?

Suffers from an inferiority complex

Look, i’ve nothing against Cork people, some of my favourite people are from Cork … but there seems to be an abundance of them incessantly talking into phones thinking they’re comedians … that’s weird behaviour for anyone.

That’s the way it’s gone I suppose.

Gas lad alltogether, wonder when the Netflix special is landing :roll_eyes:


I heard a variation on that recently.

Did you hear about the Corkman who thinks he’s the same as everyone else?
Yes. He’s a weirdo and a sexual deviant.
That’s the chap.


Absolutely fucking seething :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Did you hear the one about the lads who moved to a neighboring county in Ireland and didn’t expect to get slagged by the locals? :grinning:


Ah shtap :joy::joy::joy:

Imagine if they moved to Kerry or somewhere god help us

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No slagging - you cunts believe it, that’s the difference … shur Cork is the centre of the universe


Tuttut tut, no humour kid😂

No shagging Alsatians in this town though :+1: unlike luimneach

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Phewwwwww at last an outside convert :joy::joy:we don’t think, we know

Local shops for local people? :joy::joy::joy: Not a bit weird at all here, well not the southsiders anyway, might be wrong though

Listen fucko, i have quite a dark sense of humour and will push the bounds more than most – but racism is not cool unless it’s towards Muslims — you cant have casual racism against Limerick people and expect everyone to laugh along so you Carkies get to feel superior.


Ah come on it’s only a plamas​:joy::joy::joy::joy: racism against Limerick sincerely hope you’re winding kid or you’ve issues buddy boy