Cork weirdo/sicko thread


Ye never stop crowing about it FFS


Unique is a nice way of putting it.


Yep know it bothers the unfortunate ppl who aren’t corkies but sure it is what it is​:joy::+1::+1:

He’s a :imp: alright

It never ends

You’d love to hammer him.

That’s fucking horrendous behaviour.

“in #cork:rollseyes:

Did they charge someone with that murder?

A 17 year old was sentenced to life.

Some associate or relative of his that was making the calls?

If only there were some Cork fellas on here to give us some info

I thought it was his father

It is his father yeah

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Apple / tree etc.

That prick is connected to Saoradh

What an absolutely vile repugnant cunt. I really do wish the most horrendous sickness & luck upon the disgusting varmint.

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More appropriate here than the pubs thread. Keep carkies in cark

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